Multilevel Intervention Training Institute (MLTI)

The 2021 application period is now open until 9:00pm (EST), December 31, 2020. For questions concerning the training or application process, please review the FAQ page.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) hosts this training institute to provide participants with a thorough grounding in conducting multilevel intervention (MLI) research with a specific focus on cancer, across the cancer control continuum. The institute utilizes distance learning sessions (4 months) that cover relevant theory and its use in MLI research; study approaches and methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods); and additional topics central to the design, successful funding, and conduct of research on multilevel healthcare delivery interventions. Faculty and guest lecturers represent the leading experts in multilevel research.

Before applying to attend the Multilevel Intervention Training Institute (MLTI), please review the specific eligibility criteria.

For questions concerning the application process or eligibility requirements, please review the FAQs or email the MLTI team.

Application Deadline and Procedure

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status no later than the week of January 22, 2021. MLTI classes will begin in mid-February and run through late June 2021.

All items listed below must be combined into a single file (PDF format preferred) with a filename beginning with your last name followed by MLTI-application (e.g., "Smith- MLTI-application.pdf"). All application components should be formatted with 1" margins on all sides of the page and use a font size no smaller than 11-point.

  1. Statement of Interest (one-page) statement of interest highlighting your rationale for seeking specialized training in multilevel intervention research and how your prior research and training experiences have prepared you to benefit from this training. Please discuss how you plan to incorporate the training experience into your career. As applicable, please describe your experience with or potential for developing strong, bidirectional partnerships with health care delivery, public health, or cancer care delivery systems.
  2. NIH biosketch format is preferred. A traditional curriculum vitae (CV) is also acceptable, but the length should not exceed 5 pages.
  3. Structured Abstract (one-page) describing your research plan for a multilevel intervention study that will be further developed and refined throughout the training. Describe the specific aims, research questions, outcomes, and overall general approach. Include the following information, as needed, describing:
    • Health problem, condition or population you will target
    • Approach for the development of a multilevel intervention
    • Type of study design and research methods to evaluate the intervention
    • Primary and secondary outcomes of the study
    • If you will be considering NIH, VA, or other federal research funding in the future, indicate the funding mechanism to which you might submit your multilevel intervention application.
    NOTE: To ensure equity in the selection process, papers longer than one page will not be reviewed. References are not required and will not count toward the page limit, if you include them.
  4. Letter of Recommendation is optional. If you feel that your NIH biosketch or CV does not adequately convey your achievements and potential to successfully design, conduct, and report multilevel intervention research, you may provide a letter of recommendation from a senior colleague, not to exceed 2 pages.
Last Updated: 01 Dec, 2020