

HealthMeasuresExternal Web Site Policy is an online resource that provides access to four person-centered measurement systems developed and validated with support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sponsored the development and validation of four comprehensive measurement systems:


The HealthMeasures resource provides state-of-the-science assessment of physical, mental, and social health, as well as performance measures of cognition, motor and sensory function, for use across a range of chronic diseases as well as the general population. These measures provide clinicians, researchers, healthcare administrators and policy-makers with efficient, precise, valid and responsive measures of symptoms, functional abilities and general health perceptions surrounding life quality and satisfaction.

Access & Availability

To access HealthMeasures, visit www.healthmeasures.netExternal Web Site Policy. The HealthMeasures site includes introductory slidesExternal Web Site Policy and/or demonstration videosExternal Web Site Policy for all available measures along with information on assessment delivery systemsExternal Web Site Policy that include the measures.

All HealthMeasures content for self-reported measures, including questions, scoring informationExternal Web Site Policy, and interpretation guidesExternal Web Site Policy, is publicly available free of charge. In order to sustain the HealthMeasures resource, Northwestern University has developed a cost-recovery structure for certain applications and consulting servicesExternal Web Site Policy. More information is available on the HealthMeasures Web siteExternal Web Site Policy.

Although the measures in the HealthMeasures resource were developed and initially validated in English and Spanish within the US, they are increasingly being used around the world. Some measures have been translatedExternal Web Site Policy into more than 40 languages and are being deployed in over 50 different countries.


HealthMeasures was funded as a 5-year trans-NIH cooperative agreement grant (U2C CA186878External Web Site Policy), which was awarded in August 2014 to Northwestern University and includes five performance sites (University of California at Los Angeles, University of California at San Diego, University of North Carolina, University of Pittsburgh, and American Institutes of Research). This trans-NIH initiative is led by NCI and supported by the following 13 NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices:

Last Updated: 31 Jan, 2020