The Federal Reserve recognizes that aggregate statistics on economic and financial conditions can mask important variations between regions and locales. Research demonstrates that the economic benefits of the business cycle are not distributed evenly across communities, particularly rural communities. In pursuit of its goal of maximum employment, the Federal Reserve conducts research and analysis to understand where and why these disparities exist, and how they affect businesses and residents. It also brings together local, state, and national partners to identify solutions and to accelerate positive change in their communities.

Conference Presentations

Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities – A Policy Forum
August 3, 2017

2017 Policy Summit on Housing, Human Capital, and Inequality
June 22-23, 2017
Relevant session included Challenges to Health in Urban and Rural Areas, and Regional Food Systems

The Future of Rural Communities: Implications for Housing
May 10, 2016



Perspectives from Main Street: Bank Branch Access in Rural Communities (PDF)
November 25, 2019

Rural Affordable Rental Housing: Quantifying Need, Reviewing Recent Federal Support, and Assessing the Use of Low Income Housing Tax Credits in Rural Areas (PDF)
July 19, 2018

Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities
Summer 2017


Related Information

Affordable Rental Housing in Rural Texas: Needs and Solutions
August 2019

Confronting Rental Affordability Shortages in the Rural Southeast
December 13, 2018

Fed Research Looks at the Southeast's Affordable Housing Squeeze
December 7, 2018

Access to Local Food Systems as a Rural Economic Driver
September 2018

Renters Feel the Squeeze, While Homeowners Enjoy Relative Affordability
Summer 2018

Summary of the 18th Annual Financial Innovations Roundtable: Financial Innovations to Improve Economic Resiliency in Rural Communities (PDF)
March 8-9, 2018

Harvesting Inclusive Economic Opportunity through Regional Food Systems Investments
February 21, 2018

Food and Economic Growth: Setting the Table for Success
January 24, 2018

Underserved Communities Find Fresh Success in Food
December 13, 2017

The Economic Impact of Locally Produced Food
December 5, 2017

Small Business Credit Survey: Report on Rural Employer Firms (PDF)
December 2017

Financing Food Co-ops to Advance Regional Food Systems
October 26, 2017

Rural Gateway Peer-to-Peer Conference Call: Harvesting Opportunity
October 11, 2017

How Regional Food Investment Creates More Equitable Communities
September 21, 2017

Regional Food Systems: Driving Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
September 14, 2017

Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities – Funder Webinar
August 24, 2017

Preserving Affordable Rural Rental Housing: New Tools and Promising Practices
May 4, 2017



Chair Jerome H. Powell
February 12, 2019
Encouraging Economic Development in High-Poverty Rural Communities

Chair Jerome H. Powell
December 6, 2018
Welcoming Remarks At the Housing Assistance Council's 2018 Rural Housing Conference, Washington, D.C.

Vice Chair for Supervision Randal K. Quarles
December 5, 2018
Banks as Vital Infrastructure for Rural Communities of the West

Vice Chair for Supervision Randal K. Quarles
October 4, 2018
Trends in Urban and Rural Community Banks

Governor Lael Brainard
November 15, 2017
Regional Food Systems and Community Development

Governor Lael Brainard
September 26, 2017
Why Persistent Employment Disparities Matter for the Economy's Health

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Last Update: November 25, 2019