Nuclear Engineering Division



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Reactors designed by Argonne National Laboratory


Nuclear Systems Technologies

  • Nuclear Criticality Safety

    Nuclear criticality safetyWe perform criticality safety and shielding evaluations for nuclear facilities with complex configurations and operations involving wide ranges of geometries, materials, and neutron spectra. These capabilities are based on a staff with decades of cumulative experience (experimental and analytical) and the latest software and nuclear data libraries. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Nuclear Systems Analysis
  • Research Reactor Analysis

    RERTRWe provide the analytical and design evaluations needed by the RERTR program. Our computational database, which is continuously updated and improved, consists of a number of computer codes to analyze the physics, thermal-hydraulics, and safety performance of research reactors. Using these analytical tools, the RERTR program performs studies of specific foreign and domestic reactors to assess their potential for conversion to LEU fuel and to provide analytical support for such conversions. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Research & Test Reactor
  • RERTR 2016 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
    October 23-27, 2016 — Antwerpen, Belgium
    The U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Material Management and Minimization (M3) hosted the “RERTR-2016 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors” in Antwerpen, Belgium from Oct. 23-27, 2016… RERTR 2016 website.

  • Decontamination and Decommissioning

    Decontamination & DecommissioningWe perform decontamination and decommissioning of research reactors and surplus contaminated facilities, develop technology to enhance D&D safety and efficiency, and share our expertise with the international community through training and technical exchanges. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Research & Test Reactor | Engineering Development and Applications

  • "Facility Decommissioning" training courses

    Argonne Decommissioning Training CourseA wealth of decommissioning know-how brought to you by seasoned professionals in the industry with a broad base of knowledge from practical decommissioning experience.
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  • Systems/Process Monitoring, Diagnostics and Control

    We develop, demonstrate and apply advanced software tools for optimizing the operation of nuclear power plants and other engineering systems. This software generates and substantiates information online about the condition of plant systems. This information can then be used to maximize plant availability and power output, optimize plant maintenance functions, and help operators cope with potential upsets. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Analysis

Last Modified: Wed, November 23, 2016 5:26 AM



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