Clinical and Translational Epidemiology

The Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Branch in NCI’s Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program stimulates, promotes, and supports cancer epidemiologic research to identify clinical, genomic, and lifestyle factors that improve outcomes for cancer survivors.

We also support research that examines factors associated with cancer development among individuals with underlying diseases and conditions.

Research areas of interest include:

  • cancer survivor research
    • adverse events and late effects
    • diet/lifestyle factors
    • predictive, prognostic and genomic factors
    • pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacogenomics
  • clinical epidemiology and risk prediction

Program Directors

Investigators seeking grant funding for clinical and translational epidemiology projects are encouraged to contact scientific staff in the Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Branch (CTEB) with questions.

CTEB Program Directors

Featured Funding Opportunities

View all FOAs related to cancer control research.

Interest Areas

Learn more about CTEB’s interests in the following areas, relevant funding opportunity announcements, related EGRP events, and staff contacts.

Featured Resources