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Self-Query Basics

An infographic that explains the Self-Query process.

Get Your NPDB Self-Query

An infographic that explains how to get a Self-Query.

See the full infographic

The NPDB's Self-Query service searches to see if your information provided in the self-query order form matches information in reports previously submitted to the NPDB. The self-query response shows the results of that search. Your response may show that no matching information was found in the NPDB, or it may show that information about medical malpractice payments, adverse licensure or privileges actions, or judgments and convictions was found, in which case the full report(s) will be provided. Self-Queries are $4.00 per order.

Place a Self-Query Order

Learn More


  1. Complete the online Self-Query order form. Be ready to provide:
    • Identifying information such as name, date of birth, Social Security number
    • State health care license information (if you are licensed)
    • Credit or debit card information for the $4.00 fee (charged for each copy you request)
  2. Verify your identity.This can be done electronically as part of your order or by completing a paper form and having it notarized. You will receive full instructions as you complete your order.
  3. Wait for your response. Once your identity is verified, the NPDB will process your order. If you verified your identity electronically, your electronic results are usually available within minutes. You will receive an email when your response is available online. If you order a paper copy of your response, it will be sent the next business day by regular U.S. mail.


If you ordered paper copies of your self-query response, you'll receive them in an envelope from the NPDB.

If an organization (e.g., a state licensing board) or employer requests a sealed copy of your self-query response, do not open the envelope. Include the unopened envelope with the correspondence you send to the organization or employer, such as a state license application. The NPDB is prevented by law from sending reports directly to a third party.


The NPDB receives and discloses reports on health care practitioners submitted by authorized organizations as mandated by federal law. These laws determine the types of actions that can or must be reported to the NPDB. A detailed list of reportable actions is available in the NPDB Guidebook.


The NPDB and Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank (HIPDB) merged into a single Data Bank in May 2013. All NPDB and HIPDB reports are now consolidated within the NPDB. Your self-query response incorporates both HIPDB and NPDB information. A separate HIPDB response is no longer available.