Universal service is the principle that all Americans should have access to communications services. Universal service is also the name of a fund and the category of FCC programs and policies to implement this principle.  Universal service is a cornerstone of the law that established the FCC, the Communications Act of 1934. Since that time, universal service policies have helped make telephone service ubiquitous, even in remote rural areas. Today, the FCC recognizes high-speed Internet as the 21st Century’s essential communications technology, and is working to make broadband as ubiquitous as voice, while continuing to support voice service.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 expanded the traditional goal of universal service to include increased access to both telecommunications and advanced services – such as high-speed Internet – for all consumers at just, reasonable and affordable rates. The Act established principles for universal service that specifically focused on increasing access to evolving services for consumers living in rural and insular areas, and for consumers with low-incomes.  Additional principles called for increased access to high-speed Internet in the nation’s schools, libraries and rural health care facilities.  The FCC established four programs within the Universal Service Fund to implement the statute.  The four programs are:

The Universal Service Fund is paid for by contributions from providers of telecommunications based of an assessment on their interstate and internation end-user revenues. Examples of entities that contribute to the Fund are telecommunications carriers, including wireline and wireless companies, and interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers, including cable companies that provide voice service. The Universal Service Administrative Company, or USAC, administers the four programs and collects monies for the Universal Service Fund under the direction of the FCC.  The FCC’s annual monitoring report tracks contributions and disbursements.

The FCC is reforming, streamlining, and modernizing all of its universal service programs to drive further investment in and access to 21st century broadband and voice services. These efforts are focused on targeting support for broadband expansion and adoption as well as improving efficiency and eliminating waste in the programs.


The Federal Communications Commission was created by the Communications Act of 1934. Universal service was one of the core mandates of that legislation, the purpose of which included making “available…to all the people of the United States…a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges."

In 1934, telephone service was considered to be a “natural monopoly,” a service best delivered by one company rather than two or more competitors.  The U.S. government allowed AT&T, then the monopoly provider, to operate in a non-competitive environment in most areas of the country in exchange for the federal and state government regulation of price and service quality. In areas that AT&T did not provide service, small companies, including cooperatives owned by residents of the local community, provided phone service. The concept of universal service evolved over the decades to mean the development of an infrastructure that provides telephone service to all consumers at a reasonable price. Funding for universal service came from a series of access charges that long distance carriers paid as intercarrier compensation (ICC) to local exchange companies for originating and terminating the long distance calls. Even after the breakup of AT&T in 1982, only interstate long distance companies were required to contribute funds towards universal service.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the first major re-write of the Communications Act of 1934. It opened up local markets to competition, which changed the dynamics of the existing system of funding universal service. The 1996 Act explicitly adopted principles to guide universal service policy. These principles include:

  • Promote the availability of quality services at just, reasonable and affordable rates for all consumers
  • Increase nationwide access to advanced telecommunications services
  • Advance the availability of such services to all consumers, including those in low income, rural, insular, and high cost areas, at rates that are reasonably comparable to those charged in urban areas
  • Increase access to telecommunications and advanced services in schools, libraries and rural health care facilities
  • Provide equitable and non-discriminatory contributions from all providers of telecommunications services for the fund supporting universal service programs

In addition, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 directed the FCC to formalize what services a company must provide in order to receive support from the Universal Service Fund. For example, an eligible telecommunications company must be able to demonstrate its ability to remain functional in emergency situations. The Act also expanded the universe of companies required to pay into the fund from only interstate long-distance carriers to include all telecommunications carriers (regardless of whether they are wireline, wireless or satellite companies). The Telecommunications Act of 1996 led to the creation of the Universal Service Administrative Company, or USAC, an independent, not-for-profit corporation designated as the administrator of the federal Universal Service Fund by the FCC. The Act also called for the creation of a Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to make recommendations to implement the universal service provisions of the Act. This Joint Board is comprised of FCC Commissioners, State Utility Commissioners, and a consumer advocate representative.

The Universal Service Fund provides support through four programs:

  • High-Cost Support (now known as the Connect America Fund) provides support to certain qualifying telephone companies that serve high-cost areas, thereby ensuring that the residents of these regions have access to reasonably comparable service at rates reasonably comparable to urban areas
  • Low-Income Support, also called the Lifeline program, assists low-income customers by helping to pay for monthly telephone charges so that telephone service is more affordable
  • Schools and Libraries Support, also known as the "E-Rate," provides telecommunication services (e.g., local and long-distance calling, both fixed and mobile, high-speed data transmission lines), Internet access, and internal connections (the equipment that delivers these services to particular locations) to eligible schools and libraries
  • Rural Health Care Support allows rural health care providers to pay rates for telecommunications services similar to those of their urban counterparts, making telehealth services affordable, and also subsidizes Internet access

In early 2009, Congress directed the FCC to develop a National Broadband Plan to ensure every American has “access to broadband capability. The plan was released in March of 2010. The plan highlighted ways that the government could influence the broadband ecosystem including to “reform current universal service mechanisms to support the deployment of broadband and voice in high-cost areas; and ensure that low-income Americans can afford broadband; and in addition, support efforts to boost adoption and utilization.”

Consistent with the National Broadband Plan, in February 2011, the FCC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to comprehensively reform and modernize the universal service High-Cost program and intercarrier compensation systems to ensure that robust affordable voice and broadband service, both fixed and mobile, are available to Americans throughout the nation. The rulemaking process was guided by four principles rooted in the Communications Act of 1934and the Telecommunications Act of 1996:

  • Modernize USF and ICC for Broadband.  Modernize and refocus USF and ICC to make affordable broadband available to all Americans and accelerate the transition from circuit-switched to IP networks, with voice ultimately one of many applications running over fixed and mobile broadband networks
  • Fiscal Responsibility.  Control the size of USF as it transitions to support broadband, including by reducing waste and inefficiency
  • Accountability. Require accountability from companies receiving support to ensure that public investments are used wisely to deliver intended results. Government must also be accountable for the administration of USF, including through clear goals and performance metrics for the program
  • Incentive-Based Policies. Transition to incentive-based policies that encourage technologies and services that maximize the value of scarce program resources and the benefits to all consumers

In October 2011, the Commission adopted its first rulemaking decision to implement these principles informally called the “USF/ICC Transformation Order.” The Commission established the following goals:

  • Preserve and advance voice service
  • Ensure universal availability of voice and broadband to homes, businesses and community anchor institutions
  • Ensure the availability of mobile voice, and broadband where Americans live, work or travel
  • Ensure reasonably comparable rates for broadband and voice service
  • Minimize universal contribution burden on consumers and businesses

One of the key elements of the Order was to expand the public interest obligations for eligible telecommunication carriers to deploy infrastructure that can provide broadband service in addition to voice service. In addition, the Order created the “Connect America Fund” to replace all existing high-cost support mechanisms. One of the goals of the Connect America Fund is to extend broadband to those Americans that lack service today, while preserving voice service. Another one of the goals of the Connect America Fund is to help make advanced mobile services – including mobile voice and broadband – available in areas that would not otherwise have those services. Implementation of this goal will be through incentive-based, market driven policies such as phase one of the Mobility Fund which uses a competitive bidding process to help expand 3G and 4 G mobile wireless networks in areas where it would be cost effective to develop with a one-time investment from the Connect America Fund.

2020 Universal Service Headlines


  • 12/16/2020
    Erratum - WCB and OEA Releases Results from Supply Chain SIC Public Notice: Issued an Erratum correcting Public Notice, DA 20-1037, released September 4, 2020.
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  • 12/16/2020
    FCC Form 509 Filings Order: WCB waives sections 54.901 and 54.903 to allow RoR carriers to report their actual rates for CBOLs.
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  • 12/14/2020
    Gift Rule Waivers for RCH and E-Rate Programs Order: WCB extends our waivers of the RHC and E-Rate program gift rules through June 30, 2021, the end of funding year 2020.
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  • 12/11/2020
    Affirmed Designation of Huawei as National Security Threat Order: The Commission denies Huawei's Application for Review of the Final Designation Order.
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    Chairman Pia Statement
    Commissioner Carr Statement
  • 12/11/2020
    FCC Adopts Rules to Secure Communications Networks and Supply Chain Order: Establishes Program to Fund Replacement of Insecure Equipment and Services.
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    Chairman Pia Statement
    Commissioner O’Rielly Statement
    Commisser Carr Statement
    Commissioner Rosenworcel Statement
    Commisser Starks Statement
  • 12/7/2020
    Auction 904 Winning Bidders Public Notice: Announces results of Auction 904 and establishes deadlines for filing FCC Form 683.
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  • 12/3/2020
    NECA's Annual Average Schedule HCLS Formula Order: Approves the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula.
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  • 11/30/2020
    November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 11/30/2020
    Effective Date of Rural Health Care Rules Order: WCB Accelerates Effective Date of RHC Rules.
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  • 11/30/2020
    The Final Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2021 Order: WCB adopts the proposals set forth in the Bureau's Public Notice seeking comment on the proposed eligible services list for funding year 2021.
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  • 11/30/2020
    2021 FCC Form 499-A and 499-Q Public Notice: WCB releases the 2021 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q and accompanying instructions.
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    FCC Form 499-A
    FCC Form 499-A Instructions
    FCC Form 499-Q
    FCC Form 499-Q Instructions
  • 11/30/2020
    2021 Urban Rate Survey, Posting of Data, and Minimum Usage Allowance Public Notice: WCB and OEA Announce Results of 2021 Urban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Services, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum Usage Allowance for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
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  • 11/24/2020
    USAC Board of Directors Public Notice: The three-year term for these positions begins on January 1, 2021.
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  • 11/18/2020
    Launch of National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in CA Public Notice: WCB announces the full launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in California, effective December 18, 2020.
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  • 11/17/2020
    NaLA and Assist Wireless Request for Stay of Lifeline MSS Order: WCB Denies NaLA and Assist Wireless Request for Stay of Lifeline MSS.
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  • 11/16/2020
    NaLA Waiver of Lifeline Minimum Service Standards Order: WCB addresses the petition of the National Lifeline Association, seeking a waiver of the Commission's rules updating the Lifeline program's minimum service standard for mobile broadband usage.
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  • 11/16/2020
    COVID Related Lifeline Program Waivers Order: WCB Extends COVID Related Lifeline Program Waivers through Feb. 2021.
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  • 11/16/2020
    WCB Designates SiyCom as an ETC in the Montana Browning Exchange Order: Wireline Competition Bureau designates Siyeh Communications as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the Montana Browning Exchange.
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  • 11/16/2020
    CAF II Model Support Price Cap Public Notice: WCB announces that all eligible price cap carriers that currently receive Connect America Phase II support based on the Connect America Cost Model elected to receive an additional, seventh year of such support.
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  • 11/16/2020
    Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Competitive Process Public Notice: Applicants Must Submit Additional Information by 6 P.M. (ET) on December 1, 2020.
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    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 11/12/2020
    CAF Phase II Auction Support Authorized For 6 Winning Bids Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize Auction 903 support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 11/5/2020
    Connected Care Pilot Program Filing Window Public Notice: The Connected Care Pilot Program application filing window will open on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 12:00 PM ET and will close on Monday, December 7, 2020 at 11:59 PM ET.
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  • 11/4/2020
    Two in Five Rule Order:Waiver of the 2-in-5 Rule is appropriate in the limited circumstances presented in Petitioners' requests for review.
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  • 11/2/2020
    Moot Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Petition Order:WCB dismisses as moot petition for reconsideration and waivers related to Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Stage 2 competitive process.
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  • 11/2/2020
    Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund Public Notice:Applicants Must Submit Additional Information by 6 P.M. (ET) on November 17, 2020.
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  • 10/30/2020
    Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Second Erratum: Issued a Second Erratum correcting R&O and OoR, FCC 19-95, released September 30, 2019.
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  • 10/30/2020
    October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 10/21/2020
    Additional Data File and Updated GIS Data Available for Auction 904 Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics Announce Availability of an Additional Data File and Updated GIS Data for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction (Auction 904).
    Word PDF
  • 10/19/2020
    National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in OR and TX Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces the Launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in Oregon and Texas.
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  • 10/19/2020
    CAF Phase II Auction Support for 6 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: RBATF, WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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  • 10/19/2020
    RHC Program FY20 Support Request Order: WCB waives section 54.619(a) to eliminate the cap on upfront payments and multi-year commitments for FY 2020 to ensure that all RHC Program requests for support can be funded in full.
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  • 10/16/2020
    Stage 2 Mobile Support for Viya in USVI Public Notice: WCB authorizes high-cost mobile support funding for Choice Communications, LLC and Vitelcom Cellular, Inc. (collectively Viya), eligible facilities-based mobile providers participating in Stage 2 of the Connect USVI Fund.
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  • 10/14/2020
    WCB Provides Guidance on E-Rate Program Category Two Budgets Public Notice: WCB provides guidance related to the new district-wide budgets for category two services, effective beginning in funding year 2021.
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  • 10/13/2020
    FCC Adopts Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Application Waiver Order: Order Addressing Requests for Waiver of the Auction 904 Short-Form Application Requirements.
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  • 10/9/2020
    FCC Safeguards Integrity of USF Contributions Order: Order responding to Petitions for Review.
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  • 10/8/2020
    WCB and OEA Address WIAW Auction 904 Petition for Reconsideration Order: WCB and OEA, in conjunction with the RBATF, deny the petition for reconsideration of WIAW related to Auction 904 Eligible Areas in Iowa and Nebraska.
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  • 10/8/2020
    WCB/OEA Release Final List and Map of Eligible Areas for Auction 904 Public Notice: WCB and OEA, in coordination with RBATF, announce the release of the final list of census blocks and a map of areas that are eligible for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction (Auction 904).
    Word PDF
  • 10/6/2020
    TDS A-CAM Buildout Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Two TDS Telecommunications LLC Petitions for Waiver of Section 54.316 of the Commission's Rules.
    Word PDF


  • 9/30/2020
    September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 9/29/2020
    Auction 904 Order on Reconsideration: FCC Resolves Auction 904 Reconsideration Petitions Ahead of Bidding.
    Word PDF
  • Attachment
  • 9/28/2020
    COVID-Telehealth Program Purchase and Implementation Deadline Extended Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Extends the COVID-19 Telehealth Program September 30, 2020 Purchase and Implementation Deadline.
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  • 9/18/2020
    PR/USVI Stage 2 Fixed Competitive Process Public Notice: WCB announces the applications received for the Uniendo a Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Funds Stage 2 Fixed Competitive Proposal Process. This Public Notice also provides important information regarding certain procedures adopted for this process.
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  • 9/16/2020
    Rural Health Care Program Appeals and Waiver Order: TAPD waives the RHC Program's Healthcare Connect Fund Program invoice filing deadline in to provide relief to applicants and service providers who received FY 2019 funding commitment letters after or within 180 days of the invoice filing deadline.
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  • 9/16/2020
    Second E-Rate Application Window for Funding Year 2020 Order:Second funding year 2020 filing window opening to allow schools to request additional E-Rate funding specifically to address increased on-campus bandwidth needs.
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  • 9/15/2020
    Rural Health Care Program Appeals and Waiver Order: TAPD Addresses Rural Health Care Program Appeals and Waiver.
    Word PDF
  • 9/15/2020
    Stage 2 Mobile Support for T-Mobile in Puerto Rico Public Notice: WCB Authorizes Stage 2 Mobile Support for T-Mobile in Puerto Rico.
    Word PDF
  • 9/14/2020
    Hawaiian Telecom Waiver Public Notice: Comment Sought on Hawaiian Telecom Waiver of Sections 54.310 and 54.316.
    Word PDF
  • 9/4/2020
    FCC Releases Results of Supply Chain Data Request Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics Release Results From Supply Chain Security Information Collection.
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  • 9/3/2020
    Deadlines for Filing Oppositions and Replies Regarding the Bloomingdale Telephone Company Application for Review Public Notice: WCB Reminder of Bloomingdale HUBB AFR Opposition/Reply Dates.
    Word PDF
  • 9/3/2020
    E-Rate and RHC COVID-Related Waivers Extended Order: E-Rate and RHC gift rules waived through Dec. 31, 2020. Timeframe for responding to USAC information requests extended.
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  • 9/3/2020
    Average Schedule Company HCLS Formula Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NECA’s 2021 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
    Word PDF
  • 9/3/2020
    Additional Information Concerning the Connected Care Pilot Program Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Additional Information Concerning the Connected Care Pilot Program.
    Word PDF
  • 9/2/2020
    Application Deadline for Stage 2 PR Fund Order: WCB resolves the request filed by Aeronet and Critical Hub seeking an extension of the application filing deadline for the Stage 2 competitive process of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund.
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  • 9/2/2020
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for 1 Winning Bid Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF, and OEA authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bid identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 9/1/2020
    Auction 904 Application Public Notice: Announces the status of short-form applications to participate in Auction 904.
    Word PDF


  • 8/31/2020
    August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 8/31/2020
    NaLA Minimum Service, Voice Phase-Down Waiver Public Notice: WCB awards Slic Network Solutions $2.4 million in CAF Phase II support out of the $3.6 million that was previously awarded in conjunction with Phase 3 of New York State's New NY Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 8/27/2020
    WCB Re-Awarding CAF Phase II Support in New York Order: WCB awards Slic Network Solutions $2.4 million in CAF Phase II support out of the $3.6 million that was previously awarded in conjunction with Phase 3 of New York State's New NY Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 8/26/2020
    Denial of Petitions for Waiver of the Study Area Boundary Freeze Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies three petitions for waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules.
    Word PDF
  • 8/24/2020
    Blackburn Technologies Order: Based on the record WCB finds that the Blackburn Technologies, II has not established good cause for us to deviate from the rule and, therefore, deny the requested relief.
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  • 8/17/2020
    WCB Extends Lifeline Program Waivers Due to COVID-19 Order: WCB extends prior Lifeline waivers governing recertification, reverification, general de-enrollment, subscriber usage, income documentation, and documentation requirements for subscribers residing in rural areas on Tribal lands through Nov. 30, 2020.
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  • 8/17/2020
    FCC Grants Sioux Falls School District E-Rate Application for Review Order: FCC Grants Sioux Falls School District E-Rate Application for Review.
    Word PDF
  • 8/14/2020
    List of Fixed CETCs Receiving Phase-Down Support Public Notice: WCB provides an updated report showing the legacy support amounts associated with competitive eligible telecommunications carriers offering service to fixed locations.
    Word PDF
  • 8/13/2020
    USAC Board of Directors Nominations Public Notice: Nominations are due by October 13, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 8/6/2020
    Application Window for Stage 2 of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Public Notice: WCB announces that the application window for the Stage 2 competitive process of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund will open on Thursday, August 6, 2020 and close on Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 6:00 PM ET.
    Word PDF
  • 8/6/2020
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Fixed Support Competitive Proposal Process Public Notice: WCB releases an updated list of the eligible minimum geographic areas and associated annual reserve prices, and location counts for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands for Stage 2 fixed support.
    Word PDF
  • 8/6/2020
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund; Connect America Fund Order on Reconsideration: Wireline Competition Bureau considers issues raised on reconsideration by parties related to Stage 2 of Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and Connect USVI.
    Word PDF
  • 8/6/2020
    Late 471s Due to Pandemic and within 60 Days of Deadline Accepted Order: WCB waives 471 deadline for those applicants that were affected by the pandemic and submitted their applications within 60 days of the close of the filing window.
    Word PDF
  • 8/5/2020
    HUBB Deadline Waiver Petitions Order: WCB resolves two petitions requesting waiver of the March 1, 2019 deadline to upload and certify geocoded location information data with the USAC, the Commission's administrator of universal service programs, through the HUBB portal.
    Word PDF
  • 8/3/2020
    CAF II Auction Support for 1 Winning Bid Ready to Be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 Long-Form Applicants Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by Monday, August 17, 2020.
    Word PDF


  • 7/31/2020
    ICS Providers' Exemption Request Order:FCC Protects USF by Denying ICS Providers' Exemption Request.
    Word PDF
  • 7/31/2020
    Lifeline Minimum Service Standards and Indexed Budget Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the updated minimum service standards for speed and data capacity for Lifeline-supported services as required by the 2016 Lifeline Order.
    Word PDF
  • 7/31/2020
    July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 7/29/2020
    Price Cap Carriers to Elect Seventh Year of Connect America Fund Phase II Model-Based Support Public Notice: Carriers have until September 28, 2020 to indicate, on a state-by-state basis, whether they will continue to receive model-based support for 2021.
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  • 7/29/2020
    Network Communications International Corporation Forbearance Petition Public Notice: Quiet Period Began on July 27, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 7/27/2020
    New Form 481 Deadline for Certain Price Cap and CETCs Public Notice: The new deadline for these carriers to file and certify FCC Form 481 is August 7, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 7/23/2020
    Urban Rate Survey Timeline for 2021 Public Notice: Completed surveys will be due on Friday, August 28, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 7/21/2020
    Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the attached proposed eligible services list (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (more commonly known as the E-Rate program) for funding year (FY) 2021.
    Word PDF
  • 7/20/2020
    Conditional Forbearance from Lifeline Voice Obligation Public Notice: This forbearance applies only to the Lifeline voice obligation of eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) that are designated for purposes of receiving both high-cost and Lifeline support, and not to Lifeline-only ETCs.
    Word PDF
  • 7/17/2020
    Limited Waiver of CAF II Model-based Performance Testing Requirements Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 7/17/2020
    CAF Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 483 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 7/17/2020
    Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through FCC Programs Declaretory Rulling and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The item integrates provisions of the recently enacted Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 into the existing supply chain rulemaking.
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  • Chairman Pai
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Carr
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 7/13/2020
    Blue Wireless Request to Relinquish its ETC Designation in NY Approved Order: Blue Wireless Request to Relinquish its ETC Designation in NY Approved.
    Word PDF
  • 7/6/2020
    Wireline Competition Bureau Directs USAC to Fully Fund Eligible Category One and Category Two E-Rate Requests Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC's estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2020.
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  • 7/2/2020
    Blackburn Waiver to be Eligible for PR Fixed Stage 2 Public Notice: WCB seeks comment Blackburn Technologies II, LLC's request seeking waiver of Section 54.1505(a) to enable Blackburn to participate in the competitive proposal process for Stage 2 fixed support from the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund.
    Word PDF


  • 6/30/2020
    Database of Urban and Rural Rates for the Telecommunications Program Letter: WCB provides directions to the USAC on how to administer the RHC support mechanism, and in particular, how to treat services and data when identifying rural and urban rates for the Telecommunications Program.
    Word PDF
  • 6/30/2020
    June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 6/30/2020
    Waiver of Line Count Filing for A-CAM, AK Plan until July 31, 2020 Order: Limited waiver of the filing deadline for rate-of-return carriers receiving support pursuant to Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM) I and II and the Alaska Plan to file their line count data.
    Word PDF
  • 6/30/2020
    Rural Health Care Program Funding for Funding Year 2020 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces the Availability of Unused Funds to Increase Rural Health Care Program Funding for Funding Year 2020.
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  • 6/30/2020
    Rural Health Care Program Funding Year 2020 Funding Request Review Procedures Letter: WCB notifies USAC that WCB approves the Rural Health Care Program Funding Year 2020 Funding Request Review Procedures, subject to further modifications and/or instruction from the Commission.
    Word PDF
  • 6/30/2020
    Johnson Telephone Auction 904 Waiver Denial Order:WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, resolves a petition for waiver filed by Johnson Telephone Company of the rule that prohibits entities that defaulted on all of their Auction 903 bids from participating in Auction 904.
    Word PDF
  • 6/26/2020
    Limited Waiver of 481 Deadline for Certain Price Caps and CETCs Order: WCB on its own motion, grants a brief, limited waiver of the July 1, 2020 annual certification requirement under section 54.313(j)(1).
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  • 6/26/2020
    Rural Broadband Experiments Letter of Credit Waiver Order: WCB, in conjunction with RBATF and OEA, resolves petitions filed by the Connect America Fund Phase II Coalition and Skybeam, LLC seeking waiver of the letter of credit rules for the CAF Phase II auction (Auction 903) and Rural Broadband Experiments.
    Word PDF
  • 6/25/2020
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction Updated Eligible Areas Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau And Office Of Economics And Analytics Release Updated List And Map Of Eligible Areas For The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction.
    Word PDF
  • 6/25/2020
    Charter Auction 904 Eligible Blocks Petition Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, resolves a petition filed by Charter seeking waiver of section 54.802(a) of the Commission's rules establishing census block eligibility criteria for Phase I of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction.
    Word PDF
  • 6/15/2020
    WCB Issues Monthly USF Appeals Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 6/15/2020
    CAF Auction II Location Adjustment Rule Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Waiver of CAF Auction II Location Adjustment Rules.
    Word PDF
  • 6/15/2020
    FCC Approves $237.9 Million in USF for Puerto Rico, USVI Public Notice: FCC authorizes $237.9 million to expand, improve, and harden mobile broadband networks in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands—includes first Universal Service funding targeted specifically for 5G deployment.
    Word PDF
  • 6/12/2020
    Southcentral Foundation's Takotna Village Health Clinic Order: TAPD addresses an emergency petition of GCI and Southcentral Foundation to waive certain provisions of the RHC Telecommunications Program's rules to allow SCF's Takotna Village Health Clinic to continue to receive support at temporary site.
    Word PDF
  • 6/12/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 169 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 6/12/2020
    Redwire and Fond Du Lac CAF II Petitions Order: Partial grant to waive Redwire's letter of credit requirement for the Auction 903, limited to the first twelve months of its support term. Grant to waive Fond Du Lac's letter of credit deadline for Auction 903.
    Word PDF
  • 6/11/2020
    Record Refresh - 2012 Contribution Methodology Reform for One-Way VoIP Public Notice: Comments Sought to Refresh the Record in the 2012 Contribution Methodology Reform Proceeding with Regard to One-Way VoIP Service Providers.
    Word PDF
  • 6/11/2020
    FCC Adopts Procedures for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction Public Notice: FCC Adopts Bidding Procedures For October's $16 Billion Rural Broadband Auction. Applications Will Be Accepted July 1 to July 15; Bidding Starts October 29.
    Word PDF
    Chairman Pai Commissioner O'Rielly Commissioner Carr Commissioner Rosenworcel Commissioner Starks
  • 6/10/2020
    Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on National Lifeline Association Petition for Declaratory Ruling Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on NaLA Petition for Declaratory Ruling.
    Word PDF
  • 6/8/2020
    WCB Temporarily Waives Filing of RUS Operating Report for RoR ETCs Order: Temporary waiver of requirement for privately held RoR ETCs who utilize RUS loans to provide copies of their RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers with their Form 481. Carriers must submit a copy to USAC at the time it is due to USDA.
    Word PDF
  • 6/8/2020
    WCB and OMB Defer Form 470 Changes due to COVID-19 Public Notice:FCC Form 470 will remain unchanged for funding year 2021 to allow schools and libraries to continue to focus their time and resources on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Word PDF
  • 6/8/2020
    FCC Guidance to USAC on E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2020 Letter:The letter provides guidance to USAC on applying E-rate competitive bidding rules for Funding Year 2020.
  • 6/4/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support for 480 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 Long-Form Applicants Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by Thursday, June 18, 2020.
    Word PDF


  • 5/29/2020
    May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 5/22/2020
    Oklahoma Health Care Providers Order: WCB finds good cause exists to waive the funding year 2019 application filing deadline for the 11 funding requests listed in the Appendix.
    Word PDF
  • 5/22/2020
    Rural Health Care Program Certification Requirement Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau clarifies Rural Health Care Program certification requirement.
    Word PDF
  • 5/22/2020
    Launch of National Verifier in Puerto Rico Public Notice: Starting on June 23, 2020, ETCs in Puerto Rico will be required to use the National Verifier's eligibility determination process for all consumers applying for Lifeline service and must cease using legacy eligibility processes.
    Word PDF
  • 5/22/2020
    North American Local's Deadline to Request Review Extended 15 Days Order: WCB grants in part North American Local, LLC's motion, extending by 15 days the time within which North American must file its request for review.
    Word PDF
  • 5/14/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for New York Winning Bidder Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Connect America Fund Phase II support for the New York winning bidder identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
    Appendix A
  • 5/14/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 77 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, authorize Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
    Appendix A
  • 5/4/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support for 105 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 Long-Form Applicants Must Submit Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel's Opinion Letters by Monday, May 18, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 5/1/2020
    COVID-19 Telehealth Program Public Notice: WCB announces that beginning Monday, May 4, 2020 at 12:00 PM ET the COVID-19 Telehealth Program will no longer accept PDF form applications by email for the Program.
    Word PDF


  • 4/30/2020
    E-Rate PIA Review Procedures Letter: Approving USAC's E-Rate Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review Procedures for Funding Year 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 4/30/2020
    April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 4/29/2020
    FCC Eases Lifeline Process for Unemployed Americans During Pandemic Order: Until June 30, 2020, the Bureau waives the requirement that consumers seeking to demonstrate income-based qualification for the Lifeline program must provide at least three consecutive months of documentation to confirm their income.
    Word PDF
  • 4/27/2020
    Park Hill School District Waiver Order: WCB grants Park Hill's request and direct USAC to reinstate Park Hill's funding year 2016 and 2017 funding requests consistent with this Order.
    Word PDF
  • 4/27/2020
    Fond du Lac Communications, Inc. Order: Designation is conditioned upon, and limited to, FDLCI's authorization to receive Connect America support awarded through the CAF II auction and effective only upon such authorization.
    Word PDF
  • 4/17/2020
    2021 FCC Form 499-A, 499-Q and Instruction Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to the 2021 FCC Form 499-A, FCC Form 499-Q, and Accompanying Instructions.
    Word PDF
    FCC Form 499-A | FCC Form 499-A Instructions
    FCC Form 499-Q | FCC Form 499-Q Instructions
  • 4/17/2020
    Invoicing Guidance for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program Public Notice: WCB and the Office of Managing Director provide guidance for those applicants that received funding commitments on how to invoice the Commission for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program-funded services and/or connected devices.
    Word PDF
  • 4/16/2020
    Johnson Telephone Waiver of Auction 904 Prohibition Public Notice:Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver Filed by Johnson Telephone Company Regarding Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Prohibition Against CAF Phase II Defaulters.
    Word PDF
  • 4/15/2020
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction Webinar Public Notice: Provides details for interested parties and the general public to participate in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction Process Webinar.
    Word PDF
  • 4/14/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 21 Winning Bids Public Notice: CAF Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 21 Winning Bids.
    Word PDF
  • 4/14/2020
    Charter Rural Digital Opportunity Eligible Areas Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Charter Communications, Inc. Petition for Waiver of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Eligible Area Rules.
    Word PDF
  • 4/13/2020
    FY19 RHC Demand to Aid Delivery of Rural Telehealth Order: Commission acts to support Telehealth and Rural Health Care Providers by fully funding all FY2019 demand in the Rural Healthcare Program.
    Word PDF
  • 4/13/2020
    Section 4 of Secure Networks Act Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the Applicability of Section 4 of The Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 to the Commission's Rulemaking on Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain.
    Word PDF
  • 4/10/2020
    Limited Waiver of Performance Measures Testing Requirements Order: WCB grants a limited waiver of the requirements for filing speed and latency testing results for recipients of Connect America Fund Phase II model-based support.
    Word PDF
  • 4/9/2020
    ACS 10 Year CAF Phase II Deployment Plan Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Approves Alaska Communications Systems' 10 Year CAF Phase II Deployment Plan.
    Word PDF
  • 4/8/2020
    Guidance on the COVID-19 Telehealth Program Application Process Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance on the COVID-19 Telehealth Program Application Process.
    Word PDF
  • 4/8/2020
    Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver Filed by PR-USVI Fund Coalition Regarding Commitment Letter and Letter of Credit Rules for Fixed Applicants of the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund.
    Word PDF
  • 4/6/2020
    Skybeam's Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Skybeam, LLC's Request for Waiver of its Rural Broadband Experiments Defined Deployment Obligation in Each of Nine Study Areas.
    Word PDF
  • 4/3/2020
    Siyeh Communications and 3 Rivers Tel Coop. Inc Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions: One for an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier and the other for a joint petition for a study area waiver of the definition of “study area” filed by Siyeh Communications and 3 Rivers Tel Coop. Inc.
    Word PDF
  • 4/3/2020
    Performance Measure Pre-Testing Sample Size Waived Due to COVID-19 Order: WCB waives certain network performance pre-testing requirements for recipients of Connect America Fund Phase II model-based support due to the COVID-19 crisis.
    Word PDF
  • 4/2/2020
    Promoting Telehealth for Low-Income Consumers; COVID-19 Telehealth Program Report and Order: FCC Fights COVID-19 with $200M; Adopts Long-Term Connected Care Study.
    Word PDF
  • Chairman Pai
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Carr
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 4/2/2020
    WCB Seeks Comment on Peñasco Valley HUBB Deadline Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver Filed by Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Regarding the March 1, 2019 HUBB Certification Deadline.
    Word PDF
  • 4/1/2020
    FCC Extends Key E-Rate Program Deadlines Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Order: To provide relief to E-Rate program participants affected by this unprecedented national pandemic, we temporarily waive and extend several E-Rate filing and service implementation deadlines, as provided herein.
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  • 3/31/2020
    WCB Temporarily Provides Flexibility to use of Competitive ETC Support Order: WCB allows a competitive ETC the flexibility to reallocate its use of legacy high-cost support amongst the service areas of any affiliated ETC. This flexibility will be afforded until June 30, 2020 but subject to extension based on circumstances.
    Word PDF
  • 3/31/2020
    March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 3/30/2020
    Red River Telephone A-CAM Waiver Request Public Notice : WCB seeks comment on Red River Telephone A-CAM waiver request.
    Word PDF
  • 3/30/2020
    FCC Acts to Keep Lifeline Subscribers Connected During COVID-19 Order: WCB takes several actions to help ensure that no Lifeline subscribers are involuntarily de-enrolled from the Lifeline program during this unprecedented national pandemic.
    Word PDF
  • 3/27/2020
    Securus Waiver of USF Contributions Obligations for ICS Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a request for waiver filed by Securus Technologies, LLC related to USF contributions obligations for inmate calling services providers.
    Word PDF
  • 3/26/2020
    Additional Relief to Assist RHC Program Participants Public Notice: WCB grants, on our own motion, additional relief to assist Rural Health Care Program participants in addressing the ongoing coronavirus public health emergency.
    Word PDF
  • 3/23/2020
    Community Use of E-Rate-Supported Wi-Fi is Permitted During Closures Public Notice: WCB reminds schools and libraries that are closed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak that they are permitted to allow the general public to use E-Rate-supported Wi-Fi networks while on the school's campus or library property.
    Word PDF
  • 3/23/2020
    Uniendo A Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Fund Forms Public Notice: WCB Makes Available Uniendo A Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Fund Forms.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 3/20/2020
    Guidance Regarding the Eligibility of Non-United States Banks Issuing Letters of Credit for Universal Service Competitive Bidding Mechanisms Public Notice: WCB, in coordination with the RBATF and OEA, provides guidance to applicants for and recipients of USF support allocated through a competitive bidding mechanism regarding the eligibility of non-U.S. banks to issue letters of credit.
    Word PDF
  • 3/18/2020
    FCC Waives RHC and E-Rate Gift Rules Due to COVID-19 Order: FCC waives the gift rules applicable to the RHC and E-Rate programs to assist rural health care providers and schools and libraries affected by COVID-19.
    Word PDF
  • 3/17/2020
    Preliminary List and Map of RDOF Phase I Eligible Areas Public Notice: WCB, in coordination with the RBATF and the OEA, announces the release of the preliminary list of census blocks and a map of areas that have been deemed initially eligible for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction.
    Word PDF
  • 3/17/2020
    Skybeam Waiver Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for expedited waiver1 filed by Skybeam, LLC requesting that the Commission waive the letter of credit rules for rural broadband experiments support recipients and instead allow Skybeam to comply with the recently adopted letter of credit provisions of sebction 54.804(c).
    Word PDF
  • 3/17/2020
    Recertification and Reverification Waived Order: In response to the public health emergency associated with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the WCB temporarily waives, on its own motion, the Lifeline program's recertification and reverification requirements for 60 days.
    Word PDF
  • 3/16/2020
    CAF II Auction Supply Authorized for Tribal Provider in Idaho Public Notice: CAF II Auction Supply Authorized for Tribal Provider in Idaho.
    Word PDF
  • 3/13/2020
    FCC Fully Funds FY19 RHC Demand to Aid Delivery of Rural Telehealth Order: Commission acts to support Telehealth and Rural Health Care Providers by fully funding all FY2019 demand in the Rural Healthcare Program.
    Word PDF
  • 3/13/2020
    CenturyLink and West River Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on two petitions for a study area waiver of the definition of “study area” filed by West River Telecommunications Cooperative (WRTC) and CenturyLink.
    Word PDF
  • 3/13/2020
    Extended E-Rate Application Filing Window for Funding Year 2020 Public Notice: WCB Extends E-Rate Application Filing Window for FY20 Due to COVID-19.
    Word PDF
  • 3/13/2020
    Connect America Fund Phase II Coalition Credit Petition Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a Request for Waiver and Petition for Rulemaking filed by the Connect America Fund Phase II Coalition.
    Word PDF
  • 3/12/2020
    Finger Lakes Community Health Order: TAPD denies a request for waiver from Finger Lakes Community Health on behalf of NY Community Broadband Partnership of the three-year limitation on a multi-year funding commitment for a FY15 funding commitment in the RHC Program's HCF Program.
    Word PDF
  • 3/12/2020
    E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for Funding Year 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 3/9/2020
    Healthcare Connect Fund Program Invoice Deadline Waiver Order: TAPD waives, sua sponte, the Healthcare Connect Fund Program invoice filing deadline in section 54.645(b) of the Commission’s rules.
    Word PDF
  • 3/5/2020
    Academy of Detroit West Redford, Michigan et al Order: TAPD addresses 12 requests seeking review of decisions by USAC or a waiver of the FCC's rules concerning requests by E-Rate program funding recipients to change their vendors through an operational SPIN change.
    Word PDF
  • 3/5/2020
    CAF II Auction Support for 150 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Listed Auction 903 long-form applicants must submit letters of credit and legal counsel's opinion letters by Thursday, March 19, 2020.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 3/4/2020
    ENA Healthcare Services Application for Review Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on ENA Healthcare Services Application for Review.
    Word PDF
  • 3/4/2020
    Tanana Chiefs Conference Application for Review Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Tanana Chiefs Conference Application for Review.
    Word PDF
  • 3/3/2020
    TrioTel Communications, Farmers Mutual Telephone Company of Stanton, Iowa and Inter-Community Telephone Company Order: WCB grant petitions for waiver of the Commission's rules filed by TrioTel Communications; Farmers Mutual Telephone Company of Stanton, Iowa; and Inter-Community Telephone Company, to allow them to merge affiliated rate-of-return study areas.
    Word PDF
  • 3/2/2020
    Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction Procedures Public Notice: FCC Proposes Bidding Procedures For This Year's $16 Billion Rural Broadband Auction.
    Word PDF
  • 3/2/2020
    Auction 903 LOC Waiver Order: Grants two petitions for waiver of the letter of credit commitment letter deadline for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903.
    Word PDF


  • 2/28/2020
    February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 2/26/2020
    Supply Chain Information Collection Reporting Portal Public Notice: Requires Eligible Telecommunications Carriers to Report Existing Huawei and ZTE Equipment and Services and Replacement Costs.
    Word PDF
  • 2/20/2020
    Grand Canyon Unified School District Order: Grants a request filed by Grand Canyon Unified School District seeking a waiver of the Commission’s rules governing the special construction service implementation deadline applicable to its funding year 2018 E-Rate funding request.
    Word PDF
  • 2/20/2020
    Lifeline National Verifier Public Notice: Announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier for all new enrollments in Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
    Word PDF
  • 2/19/2020
    Rural Health Care Maniilaq Waiver Order: Addresses a waiver request from Maniilaq Association involving a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company to deny funding to Maniilaq under the Rural Health Care Program's Telecommunications Program for FY17.
    Word PDF
  • 2/18/2020
    2020 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau releases the 2020 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q and accompanying instructions.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A Attachment B
    Attachment C Attachment D
  • 2/13/2020
    Third CAF NY Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes CAF Phase II support in New York for Hughes Network Systems.
    Word PDF
  • 2/13/2020
    Ninth CAF Authorization Public Notice: Authorizes CAF Phase II auction support for 1060 winning bids.
    Word PDF
  • 2/5/2020
    Uniendo A Puerto Rico and Connect USVI Fund Procedures Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau establishes procedures for the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Stage 2 Competition.
    Word PDF
  • 2/3/2020
    Performance Measures Waiver Order: Grants a limited waiver of the random sample requirements for speed and latency and timing only for pre-testing for recipients of Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II model-based support.
    Word PDF


  • 1/31/2020
    January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 1/27/2020
    Phase II Auction Deadline Waiver Order: Service milestone deadlines for all CAF Phase II auction support recipients will fall at the end of the calendar year, and annual location filing and certification deadlines will fall on March 1.
    Word PDF
  • 1/27/2020
    E-Rate Amortization Requirement Report and Order: FCC Eliminates E-Rate Amortization Requirement.
    Word PDF
  • 1/24/2020
    TeleQuality Communications, Inc. Reconsideration and Order: Telecommunications Access Policy Division dismisses and denies petition for reconsideration filed by TeleQuality Communications, Inc.
    Word PDF
  • 1/21/2020
    CETC Phase-Down Carriers List Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau provides an updated report showing the legacy support amounts associated with competitive eligible telecommunications carriers offering service to fixed locations.
    Word PDF
  • 1/15/2020
    Tanana Chiefs Conference Appeal Order: WCB denies a request for review and waiver by the Tanana Chiefs Conference seeking review of the USAC decision denying TCC’s request to file FCC Forms 466 for three clinics after the RHC application filing deadline had passed for funding year 2016.
    Word PDF
  • 1/14/2020
    Frontier Communication Corporation Waiver Order: WCB grants a petition filed by Frontier Communications Corporation seeking waiver of the Connect America Phase II model-based support 80% deployment milestone in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.
    Word PDF
  • 1/14/2020
    Knox County Order: Based on review of the record, Knox County failed to substantiate its funding request as required by the E-Rate program rules.
    Word PDF
  • 1/13/2020
    BLS HUBB Reporting Deadline Public Notice: CAF-BLS carriers that did not previously have HUBB reporting obligations will be required to submit deployment in the HUBB by March 1, 2021 for all locations to which broadband service of 25/3 Mbps or greater has been deployed since May 25, 2016.
    Word PDF
  • 1/8/2020
    Houston Independent School District Order: Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants Houston Independent School District a limited waiver to amend its FY 2017 FCC Form 471 application for the sole purpose of including the additional funding to match the state funding.
    Word PDF
  • 1/6/2020
    Mid-Hudson Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: Mid-Hudson Data Corp. must submit letters of credit and legal counsel’s opinion letters by January 21, 2020.
    Word PDF



  • 12/30/2019
    December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 12/26/2019
    2020 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q Proposed Changes Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to the 2020 FCC Form 499-A, FCC Form 499-Q, and Accompanying Instructions. Comments are due January 27, 2020.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A Attachment B
    Attachment C Attachment D
  • 12/23/2019
    Limited Request for Waiver of the E-Rate rules by the Missouri Research and Education Network Public Notice: Order granting a limited Request for Waiver of the E-Rate rules by the Missouri Research and Education Network involving a decision by USAC to rescind and recover a portion of their funding year 2013 and 2014 E-Rate funding.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2019
    CAF II Support for One New York Winning Bidder Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: WCB announces that it is ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II support for Hughes Network Systems, LLC in conjunction with the New York Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2019
    CAF II Auction Support for 2,121 Winning Bids Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 12/20/2019
    SI Wireless Approved to Relinquish ETC Designation in Tennessee Order: TAPD approves the request of SI Wireless to relinquish it’s high-cost and Lifeline ETC designations in Tennessee, effective January 6, 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2019
    WCB Waives Certain Rules to Allow for Updated FCC Form 509 Filings Order: WCB waives sections 54.901 and 54.903 to allow RoR carriers to report their actual rates for CBOLs to determine 2018 revenues on their FCC Form 509.
    Word PDF
  • 12/19/2019
    C2 Budget Multipliers and Funding Floor for FY2020 Public Notice: WCB announces the E-Rate program category two budget multipliers and funding floor amounts for funding year 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 12/19/2019
    Reserve Prices and Location Counts Announced for PR/USVI Fund Stage 2 Public Notice: WCB releases the list of the eligible minimum geographic areas and associated annual reserve prices and location counts for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands for Stage 2 fixed support.
    Word PDF
  • 12/18/2019
    Lake County, Minnesota and Northeast Rural Services, Inc. RBE Waiver Petitions Order: WCB considers RBE waiver petitions of Lake County, Minnesota and Northeast Rural Services, Inc. in which petitioners seek to relinquish their status as rural broadband experiments universal service funding recipients in certain study areas.
    Word PDF
  • 12/18/2019
    Next National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Launch in Three States Public Notice: WCB announces the soft launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in California, Oregon, and Texas, effective Friday, December 20, 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 12/18/2019
    Launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier for All New Enrollments in Nine States Public Notice: WCB announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier for all new enrollments in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Washington.
    Word PDF
  • 12/16/2019
    Chairman Pai Names Six Members to USAC Board of Directors Public Notice: Chairman Pai Names Six Members to USAC Board of Directors.
    Word PDF
  • 12/16/2019
    FCC Authorizes $89.2 Million For Rural Broadband In 21 States Public Notice:Eighth Round of Funding from Connect America Fund Auction Starts This Month and Includes 21 States.
    Word PDF
  • 12/10/2019
    Guidance on the Implementation Schedule for Reforms Adopted by the Rural Health Care Program Promoting Telehealth Report and Order: Wireline Competition Bureau provides guidance on the implementation schedule for reforms adopted by the Rural Health Care Program Promoting Telehealth Report and Order.
    Word PDF
  • 12/9/2019
    Adopted E-Rate Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2020 Order: WCB adopts the eligible services list for funding year 2020 for the schools and libraries universal service support program.
    Word PDF
  • 12/9/2019
    National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Launch in Five States Public Notice: WCB announces that the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier will soft launch on December 16, 2019 in Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
    Word PDF
  • 12/6/2019
    NECA Annual Average Schedule HCLS Formula Public Notice: Telecommunications Access Policy Division approves the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. annual average schedule company high-cost loop support formula.
    Word PDF
  • 12/5/2019
    Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: WCB and the OEA announce the 2020 reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed voice and broadband services for eligible telecommunications carriers subject to broadband public interest obligations.
    Word PDF
  • 12/3/2019
    Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: FCC Acts to Speed the Deployment of Wi-Fi in Schools and Libraries.
    Word PDF
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 12/2/2019
    Hubb Deadline Waiver Order: WCB addresses several petitions requesting waiver of the March 1, 2018 deadline to upload and certify geocoded location information data with the Universal Service Administrative Company through the High Cost Universal Broadband portal.
    Word PDF


  • 11/27/2019
    November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 11/22/2019
    Red Spectrum Designated as an ETC in CAF-Eligible Areas in Idaho Order: Designation is conditioned upon and limited to Red Spectrum’s authorization to receive Connect America support awarded through the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction and effective only upon such authorization.
    Word PDF
  • 11/19/2019
    Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization; Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Service Support Order: FCC Partially Grants Lifeline Service Standards Relief.
    Word PDF
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 11/14/2019
    Bridging the Digital Divide for Low-Income Consumers Fifth Report and Order: FCC Further Strengthens Lifeline Against Waste, Fraud, and Abuse.
    Word PDF
  • Chairman Pia
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 11/13/2019
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized For 66 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with RBATF and OEA, authorize $13,468,201.20 in CAF II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 11/12/2019
    Locations Adjustment Order: WCB establishes procedures to ensure swift and efficient administration of the CAF II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process.
    Word PDF
  • 11/7/2019
    Mobile Stage 2 Election Deadline Public Notice: The deadline for the election of Stage 2 mobile support is 6:00 p.m. on December 9, 2019.
    Word PDF


  • 10/31/2019
    October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 10/31/2019
    Quality Standards for Rural Broadband Order on Reconsideration: FCC Takes Steps To Enforce Quality Standards For Rural Broadband Networks and Also Provides Additional Flexibility to Reduce Burden on Companies .
    Word PDF
  • Chairman Pia
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Carr
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 10/30/2019
    Lifeline Subscribers Deadline Waiver Order: Waiving the 60-day deadline for Lifeline subscribers recertifying their eligibility who received letters from USAC with an incorrect 90-day deadline.
    Word PDF
  • 10/22/2019
    National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Full Launch Order: Petitioners have not shown good cause to delay implementation of the National Verifier in their respective states (CT, GA, NE, NY, and VT).
    Word PDF
  • 10/18/2019
    Mid-Hudson ETC Designation Order: Designation is conditioned upon and limited to Mid-Hudson’s authorization to receive Connect America Fund support awarded in coordination with New York’s New NY Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 10/10/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 387 Winning Bids Public Notice: Support for the winning bids is identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
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    Attachment A
  • 10/1/2019
    FCC Form 470 Drop-Down Menu Public Notice: Comment sought on whether and how the 470 drop-down menu choices may be improved.
    Word PDF
  • 10/1/2019
    Application of E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2019 Letter: The letter provides guidance to USAC on applying E-rate competitive bidding rules for Funding Year 2019.
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  • 9/30/2019
    CAF II Support For 566 Winning Bids Ready to Authorize Public Notice: The RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A.
    Word PDF
  • 9/30/2019
    The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Report and Order on Reconsideration: Investment Will Boost High-Speed Internet Access on Islands.
    Word PDF
  • Chairman Pia
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Carr
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 9/30/2019
    September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 9/26/2019
    National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Public Notice : WCB announces that the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier will soft launch on October 11, 2019 in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Washington.
    Word PDF
  • 9/23/2019
    National Verifier Launch Public Notice : WCB announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier for all new enrollments in Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
    Word PDF
  • 9/18/2019
    Viasat ETC Order: Designation is conditioned upon and limited to Viasat’s authorization to receive Connect America support awarded through the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) and effective only upon such authorization.
    Word PDF
  • 9/16/2019
    Florida Public Service Commission Waiver Order: Wireline Competition Bureau grants a brief, limited waiver of the filing deadline for the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) to certify eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) pursuant to section 54.314(d)(1) of the Commission’s rules.
    Word PDF
  • 9/12/2019
    Reconsideration of Satellite Related Performance Measures Order: FCC Adopts an Order on Reconsideration of Satellite Related Performance Measures.
    Word PDF
  • 9/12/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 1,031 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize $112,183,454.30 in CAF II support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A


  • 8/30/2019
    NECA 2020 Proposed HCLS formula Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on NECA 2020 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
    Word PDF
  • 8/29/2019
    August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 8/28/2019
    Requests for Review of USAC E-Rate Funding Decisions Order: Order resolving five requests for review of decisions by USAC denying requests for funding under the E-Rate program.
    Word PDF
  • 8/27/2019
    Byte Networking, LLC Waiver Order:Request for Waiver of a Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Byte Networking, LLC Juneau, Alaska; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism.
    Word PDF
  • 8/27/2019
    Sunesys, LLC Petition for Reconsideration Order: The Division addresses the petition filed by Sunesys seeking reconsideration of a decision in the June 2017 Streamlined Request Resolution PN denying a request for waiver of the invoice deadline rules.
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  • 8/27/2019
    Nominations for Six USAC Board Member Positions Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks nominations for Board member positions on the Board of Directors of the Universal Service Administrative Company for a three-year term.
    Word PDF
  • 8/26/2019
    CAF Phase II Auction Support for 375 Bids Ready for Authorization Public Notice: CAF Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for some Auction 903 winning bids identified.
    Word PDF
    Attachment A
  • 8/22/2019
    WCB Authorizes 171 RoR Companies to Receive $491M Annually in A-CAM II Public Notice: Collectively, authorized companies are committing to provide at least 25/3 Mbps service to over 363,000 locations, including over 37,000 locations on Tribal lands.
    Word PDF
  • 8/21/2019
    Hood Canal Communications and CenturyLink Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a joint Study Area Waiver of Hood Canal Communications and CenturyLink for waiver of the definition of study area.
    Word PDF
  • 8/20/2019
    Promoting Telehealth in Rural America Report and Order: Increases Transparency, Predictability, and Efficiency of RHC Program Funding Decisions.
    Word PDF
  • Chairman Pia
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Carr
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 8/19/2019
    CAF Phase II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process Public Notice: WCB delays the filing deadline for the CAF II Auction eligible locations adjustment process until further notice.
    Word PDF
  • 8/16/2019
    Network Communications International Corporation's Petition for Forbearance Public Notice: Network Communications International Corporation seeks forbearance from USF contribution requirements for providers of inmate calling services.
    Word PDF
  • 8/13/2019
    Sunset Digital Order: ETC designation is conditioned upon and limited to SDC LLC’s authorization to receive CAF II auction support and effective only upon such authorization.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Support Authorized for Three New York Winning Bidders Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Connect America Fund Phase II support for the New York winning bidders identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    FCC Authorizes $16.2 Million In Broadband Funding In Upstate New York News Release: Second Wave of FCC Funding Will Expand Broadband Access in 14 Upstate Counties in Partnership with State.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Support Authorized for 593 Winning Bids Public Notice: WCB, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize $121,177,648.80 in CAF II Phase II (Auction 903) support for the winning bids identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice.
    Word PDF
  • 8/12/2019
    FCC Authorizes $121 Million In Funding For Rural Broadband News Release: Fourth Round of Funding from Connect America Fund Auction Starts This Month and Includes 16 States.
    Word PDF
  • 8/9/2019
    LTD Broadband Waiver Order: WCB, in conjunction with the RBATF and OEA, grants LTD Broadband LLC's petition for waiver of the February 25, 2019 deadline for filing audited financial statements for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903).
    Word PDF
  • 8/6/2019
    Sunset Digital Communications, Inc. Waiver Order: Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, grants the petition of Sunset Digital Communications, Inc.
    Word PDF
  • 8/2/2019
    Eligible Services List for E-Rate Program Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the proposed eligible services list for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (more commonly known as the E-Rate program) for funding year 2020.
    Word PDF
  • 8/2/2019
    Tennessee E-Rate Consortium Waiver Order: WCB grants Tennessee E-Rate Consortium waiver of E-Rate competitive bidding rules for FY2012 funding requests submitted by school districts that were not members of the Consortium at the time the Consortium’s contract was competitively bid.
    Word PDF


  • 7/31/2019
    July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 7/30/2019
    NTCA Waiver Petition Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NTCA’s petition for waiver of the updated minimum service standards for fixed broadband services in the Lifeline program.
    Word PDF
  • 7/25/2019
    Lifeline Minimum Service Standards and Indexed Budget Amount Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces the updated minimum service standards for speed and usage allowances for Lifeline-supported services as required by the 2016 Lifeline Order.
    Word PDF
  • 7/25/2019
    New Lisbon Denial Order: WCB concludes that USAC properly sought recovery of high-cost support provided to New Lisbon based on the company’s failure to comply with the Commission’s rules.
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  • 7/24/2019
    FY19 RHC Application Deadline Waiver Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a request for waiver of the May 31, 2019 deadline for eligible health care providers to submit funding year 2019 applications for support from the Rural Health Care Program.
    Word PDF
  • 7/22/2019
    Lifeline Voice Conditional Forbearance Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces the counties in which conditional forbearance from the obligation to offer Lifeline-supported voice service applies, pursuant to the Commission’s 2016 Lifeline Order.
    Word PDF
  • 7/22/2019
    CAF II Support Authorized for 1,122 Bids Public Notice: The RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A; bid defaults identified in Attachment B.
    Word PDF
  • 7/17/2019
    Wireline Competition Bureau Directs USAC to Fully Fund Eligible Category One and Category Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 7/15/2019
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for 2,413 Winning Bids Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau, in conjunction with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, authorize CAF II auction support for the winning bids.
    Word PDF
  • 7/15/2019
    CAF II Auction Support Authorized for Five NY Winning Bidders Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Connect America Fund Phase II support for New York winning bidders.
    Word PDF
  • 7/11/2019
    Promoting Telehealth for Low-Income Consumers NPRM: Three-Year Pilot Would Bring Telehealth Services to Low-Income Patients, Veterans and Areas Lacking Adequate Health Care.
    Word PDF
  • 7/1/2019
    Lifeline Minimum Service Standards Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a Joint Petition to pause the implementation of scheduled updates to the Lifeline minimum service standards and support amounts.
    Word PDF


  • 6/28/2019
    June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 6/20/2019
    Northeast Iowa Telephone Co. and Western Iowa Telephone Association Public Notice: Comment sought on a joint petition filed on May 6, 2019 by Northeast Iowa Telephone Co. and Western Iowa Telephone Association.
    Word PDF
  • 6/17/2019
    Next National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Public Notice: WCB announces that the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier will soft launch on June 25, 2019 in Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
    Word PDF
  • 6/10/2019
    Unused RHC Funds for Funding Year 2019 Public Notice: WCB directs USAC to carry-forward unused funds from prior funding years to the extent necessary to cover FY 2019 RHC Program demand as of the close of the FY 2019 filing window on June 30, 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 6/7/2019
    CAF II Support Ready to Authorize Public Notice: The RBATF, WCB, and OEA announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A; bid defaults identified in Attachment B.
    Word PDF
  • 6/5/2019
    Corrected Alternative Connect America Model II Offers Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Issues Corrected Alternative Connect America Model II Offers to 37 Companies, Extends the Election Deadline, and Seeks Comment on Location Adjustment Procedures.
    Word PDF


  • 5/31/2019
    FCC Initiates Evaluation of Funding for USF NPRM: Federal Communications Commission seeks comment on promoting greater fiscal responsibility in the Universal Service Fund and ways to evaluate the financial aspects of the four Universal Service programs in a more holistic way.
    Word PDF
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 5/31/2019
    Four Petition Dismissals Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau announces the dismissal of the four petitions for waiver of various high-cost universal service matters.
    Word PDF
  • 5/31/2019
    USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 5/30/2019
    Texas Carriers' E-Rate Petition Public Notice: Comment sought on a petition for rulemaking to consider amending Part 54 with respect to the E-Rate program competitive bidding requirements, to include safeguards which would discourage overbuilding of existing federally supported fiber networks.
    Word PDF
  • 5/28/2019
    New York CAF II Ready to Authorize Public Notice: WCB announces that it is ready to authorize CAF Phase II support for the New York winning bidders identified in Attachment A of this Public Notice. Letters of Credit and Legal Counsel’s Opinion Letters due by June 11, 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 5/24/2019
    Totah Communications,Inc Public Notice: WCB Authorizes Totah Communications, Inc., wich was omitted from the April 29 authorization Public Notice, to receive additional A-CAM support.
    Word PDF
  • 5/17/2019
    May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 5/15/2019
    Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Order: WCB grants Casey Mutual’s petition for waiver of the letter of credit commitment deadline for the CAF II Auction; denies Allens Communications’ waiver petition related to the standby letter of credit requirement.
    Word PDF
  • 5/14/2019
    CAF Transitions Public Notice: WCB announces the beginning of the phase down of legacy high-cost universal service support for price cap carriers and fixed competitive eligible telecommunications carriers, now that the Bureau has authorized CAF Phase II auction support.
    Word PDF
  • 5/10/2019
    National Verifier in IN, KY, and MI Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier for all new enrollments in Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan.
    Word PDF
  • 5/10/2019
    Auction 903 Third Ready to be Authorized Public Notice: The Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force, Wireline Competition Bureau, and the Office of Economics and Analytics announce they are ready to authorize CAF II auction support for the Auction 903 winning bids identified in Attachment A.
    Word PDF
  • 5/6/2019
    Second Connect America Fund Phase II ETC Order: WCB grants ETC petitions conditioned upon and limited to CAF Phase II Auction support authorization; one petitioner is also granted a Lifeline-only ETC designation for areas where it is not eligible to receive CAF support.
    Word PDF
  • 5/2/2019
    CAF-BLS Deployment Obligations Public Notice: WCB announces the posting of information regarding the revised mandatory deployment obligations that will apply to rate-of-return carriers that decline the A-CAM II offer and instead will remain on legacy universal service support mechanisms.
    Word PDF
  • 5/2/2019
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model II Support Amounts Offered to Rate-of-Return Carriers to Expand Rural Broadband Public Notice: WCB releases a revised version of A-CAM v2.5.1 and announces the offers of A-CAM II support to rate-of-return carriers that are still receiving legacy support to fund the deployment of voice and broadband-capable networks in their service territories.
    Word PDF


  • 4/30/2019
    April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 4/30/2019
    Announce New Docket for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau, in coordination with the Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force and the Office of Economics and Analytics, opens WC Docket No. 19-126, captioned “Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.
    Word PDF
  • 4/30/2019
    New York ETC Order: WCB designates four petitioners as ETCs in eligible high-cost areas, conditioned upon and limited to petitioners’ authorization to receive Connect America Fund Phase II support awarded in coordination with New York’s New NY Broadband Program.
    Word PDF
  • 4/29/2019
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model Support to Expand Rural Broadband Public Notice: WCB Authorizes 186 Rate-Of-Return Companies to Receive an Additional $65.7 Million Annually in Alternative Connect America Cost Model Support to Expand Rural Broadband.
    Word PDF
  • 4/24/2019
    Reservation Telephone Cooperative and CenturyLink Study Area Public Notice: Waiver to expand Reservation Telephone Cooperative’s Alexander exchange in North Dakota to include portions of CenturyLink QC’s Fairview and Sidney exchanges in North Dakota and allow participation in NECA.
    Word PDF
  • 4/22/2019
    iWireless Tribal Petition Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on i-Wireless’ amended petition seeking to expand its ETC designation to certain Tribal lands in Alabama, Connecticut, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia.
    Word PDF
  • 4/5/2019
    National Verifier Launch Public Notice: WCB announces the launch of the National Verifier for all new enrollments in Alaska, American Samoa, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, the Northern Mariana Islands, Rhode Island, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
    Word PDF
  • 4/4/2019
    TracFone Petition Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on TracFone’s second amended petition seeking to expand its ETC designation to certain Tribal lands in Alabama, Connecticut, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia.
    Word PDF
  • 4/3/2019
    Auction 903 Second RTA Public Notice: WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize approximately $280 million in Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the CAF II Auction winning bids and also announce bid defaults have been determined .
    Word PDF
    Attachment A
    Attachment B
  • 4/3/2019
    Tata Communications Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Tata Communications (America), Inc. and Tata Communications (Guam), L.L.C. Petition for Waiver of Section 54.706(a), or Alternatively, a Waiver of the Twelve Percent Threshold of the Limited International Revenue Exemption in Section 54.706(c) of the Commission’s Rules.
    Word PDF


  • 3/29/2019
    March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 3/28/2019
    CAF ETC Designation Order: Wireline Competition Bureau designates eight Connect America Fund Phase II Auction winning bidders as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs).
    Word PDF
  • 3/27/2019
    FY 2019 PIA Letter: Approving USAC’s E-Rate Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review Procedures for Funding Year 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 3/8/2019
    E-Rate and RHC Programs’ Funding Caps for FY 2019 Public Notice: Announcing the E-Rate and Rural Health Care programs’ inflation-based funding caps for funding year 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 3/8/2019
    Biennial Audit Requirement Waiver Order: Granting in part a Petition for Waiver filed by USTelecom – The Broadband Association, CTIA, and ITTA – The Voice of America’s Broadband Providers.
    Word PDF
  • 3/8/2019
    National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Public Notice: WCB announces that the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier will soft launch on March 12, 2019 in Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan.
    Word PDF
  • 3/5/2019
    ACS Challenge Process Order: WCB resolves challenges to locations proposed by Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to receive high-cost support as part of ACS's obligations set out in previous Commission actions seeking to extend service to unserved Alaskan consumers
    Word PDF


  • 2/28/2019
    Broadband VI Petition for Temporary Waiver Public Notice:WCB seeks comment on Broadband VI’s Petition for a Temporary Waiver of the Lifeline program’s minimum service standards.
    Word PDF
  • 2/28/2019
    February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 2/27/2019
    Connect America Fund Ready to Authorize Public Notice:WCB and OEA announce they are ready to authorize approximately $140 million in Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) support for the CAF II Auction winning bids.
    Word PDF
  • 2/27/2019
    E-Rate Improper Service Delivery Deadline Order:WCB directs USAC to extend deadlines for E-rate applicants affected by application and invoicing system errors.
    Word PDF
  • 2/26/2019
    Tombigbee Communications ETC Comment public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on a Petition for ETC Designation from Tombigbee Communications.
    Word PDF
  • 2/25/2019
    Alternative Connect America Cost Model Offers Public Notice: FCC announces 262 revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support and the associated revised deployment obligations.
    Word PDF
  • 2/20/2019
    Connect America Fund ETC Comment Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Two Petitions for ETC Designation.
    Word PDF
  • 2/15/2019
    Connect America Fund Transition Order: The Commission takes further steps towards making broadband available for all Americans by transitioning legacy support for voice services to make greater funding available for voice and broadband services supported by newly awarded CAF model funds.
    Word PDF
  • PDF
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner Starks
  • 2/15/2019
    RHC Rural Rates Public Notice: WCB issues guidance to provide certainty and assist service providers and rural health care providers in complying with the Commission’s Rural Health Care Program rules, including rules for determining rural rates in the Telecommunications Program.
    Word PDF
  • 2/14/2019
    2019 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q Public Notice: WCB releases the 2019 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q and accompanying instructions.
    Word PDF
    Form 499-A Instructions
    Form 499-Q Instructions
  • 2/11/2019
    E-Rate Category 2 Budgets Report: WCB releases report to analyze available data on the five-year budgets for internal connections, also referred to as “category two budgets” before the 2019 funding year.
    Word PDF
  • 2/8/2019
    FCC Joint Boards Appointent Order: The Commission appoints the Honorable Geoffrey Starks, Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, to serve on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service and the Federal-State Joint Board on Jurisdictional Separations.
    Word PDF
  • 2/5/2019
    National Verifier Launch Public Notice: WCB announces the next launches of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in eight states, three territories and the District of Columbia.
    Word PDF


  • 1/31/2019
    Amortization Requirement Order: FCC temporarily waives the E-Rate amortization requirement and proposes to eliminate the requirement.
    Word PDF
  • 1/31/2019
    Form 477 Filing Window Public Notice: WCB, WTB, and OEA notify all parties required to file Form 477 that the filing deadline for the Form 477 data as of December 31, 2018 has been extended to March 8, 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 1/31/2019
    January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 1/29/2019
    Meriwether Holston Petition Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Two Petitions for ETC Designation.
    Word PDF
  • 1/28/2019
    Bloosurf ETC Petition Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Bloosurf's Petition for ETC Designation.
    Word PDF
  • 1/3/2019
    Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Reconsideration Order: The Commission reaffirms its commitment to combating waste, fraud, and abuse in the Universal Service Fund by denying a petition for reconsideration of an order finding that Sandwich Isles, Inc. received more than $27 million in improper USF support.
    Word PDF
  • 1/2/2019
    Wireline Competition Bureau Open WC Docket No. 19-2 Public Notice: WCB open a WC Docket No. 19-2, titled "E-Rate Program Amortization Requirement.
    Word PDF
  • 1/2/2019
    Rural Health Care GCI Public Notice: WCB Seeks comment on the Application for Review filed by GCI Corporation.
    Word PDF
    Appendix A



  • 12/28/2018
    December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 12/21/2018
    2019 FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Changes to FCC Form 499-A and -Q and Instructions.
    Word PDF
    Form 499-A Instructions
    Form 499-Q Instructions
  • 12/20/2018
    Michigan PSC’s Temporary Lifeline Waiver Order: WCB grants the Michigan State Public Service Commission's motion for an extension until June 28, 2019 of the Bureau's previously granted temporary waiver to implement the federal streamlined eligibility programs.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2018
    Rural Health Care Program Invoicing Appeal Order: WCB addresses seven requests for review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the Rural Health Care Program.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2018
    Metropolitan Nashville Public School Order: WCB grants a limited, one-time waiver of the Commission’s E-Rate rules for Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools’ funding year 2016 applications.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2018
    Mansfield Independent School District Petitions for Reconsideration Order: WCB decides Mansfield Independent School District’s Petitions for Reconsideration.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2018
    USAC Board Nominations Public Notice: Chairman Pai Names Six Members to USAC Board of Directors.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2018
    2019 Urban Rate Survey Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces the 2019 reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed voice and broadband services for eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) subject to broadband public interest obligations, including incumbent local exchange rate-of-return carriers, incumbent price-cap carriers receiving CAF Phase II support, Rural Broadband Experiment providers, and Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (Auction 903) winners.
    Word PDF
  • 12/20/2018
    FCC Form 509 Filings Order: WCB grants a one-time waiver of sections 54.901 and 54.903 of the Commission’s rules to allow rate-of-return local exchange carriers to report their actual rates for consumer broadband-only lines to determine 2017 revenues on their FCC Form 509.
    Word PDF
  • 12/18/2018
    NECA's proposed High-Cost Loop Support formula for 2019 Order: WCB approves National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s (NECA) annual average schedule company high-cost loop support (HCLS) formula modifications submitted for Commission review.
    Word PDF
  • 12/13/2018
    USTelcom, CTIA, and ITTA Waiver Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the Petition of USTelecom, CTIA, and ITTA for a One-Time Waiver of the Biennial Audit Requirement of 47 C.F.R. 54.420.
    Word PDF
  • 12/13/2018
    Lifeline National Verifier Public Notice: WCB announces that effective January 15, 2019, the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier will fully launch in five states – Hawaii, Idaho, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and South Dakota – and one territory – Guam.
    Word PDF
  • 12/4/2018
    Emergency Petition of Tracfone Wireless Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Emergency Petition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. for an Order Directing USAC to Alter the Implementation of the National Verifier and a Waiver of 47 C.F.R. 54.410(d)(3) and Petition for Rulemaking.
    Word PDF
  • 12/4/2018
    Rural Health Care Program Record Refresh Public Notice: WCB seeks additional comment on discrete issues raised in the Rural Health Care Notice of Proposed Rulemaking related to determining the urban and rural rates used to calculate support in the Telecommunications Program.
    Word PDF


  • 11/30/2018
    November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 11/27/2018
    National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Launch Public Notice: WCB announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee as of December 4, 2018.
    Word PDF
  • 11/16/2018
    Lifeline Floriday PSC Waiver Order: WCB grants the petition filed by the Florida PSC requesting a temporary four-month waiver of the Lifeline program’s non-usage and recertification rules for subscribers in 12 counties in Florida affected by Hurricane Michael.
    Word PDF
  • 11/16/2018
    FY2019 Eligible Service List Order: WCB adopts the eligible services list (ESL) for funding year (FY) 2019 for the 2019.
    Word PDF
  • 11/9/2018
    Q Link National Verifier Waiver Petition Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition of Q Link Wireless, LLC for a Limited Waiver to Permit Alternative Transmission of Lifeline Eligibility Information and Customer Certifications to the National Verifier.
    Word PDF


  • 10/31/2018
    October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
    Word PDF
  • 10/30/2018
    134 Long-Form Applicants in the Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Public Notice: Identifies 134 applicants in the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) that submitted the long-form application portion of the FCC Form 683 by the October 15, 2018 deadline.
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  • 10/26/2018
    Florida Department of Management Services E-Rate Order: WCB grants a waiver of the Commission’s E-Rate program invoicing rules to assist schools and libraries affected by Hurricane Michael.
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  • 10/23/2018
    IM Telecom Compliance Plan Public Notice: WCB approves the wireless compliance plan of IM Telecom d/b/a Infiniti Mobile filed pursuant to the requirements for the continued provision of Lifeline service.
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  • 10/17/2018
    Grants/Cibola County School District Order: WCB grants the E-Rate Requests for Waiver filed by the Jemez Pueblo Tribal Consortium and Grants/Cibola County School District.
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  • 10/16/2018
    Connect2 & Community Academic Prep Erate Order: WCB addresses seven requests for review and waiver filed by Connect2 Internet Networks, Inc. and one filed by Community Academic Prep.
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  • 10/16/2018
    Detroit Public School District Erate Order: WCB dismisses and denies a petition for reconsideration filed by Detroit Public School District.
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  • 10/11/2018
    Lifeline National Verifier Launch Public Notice: WCB announces the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier in Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and South Dakota as of October 15, 2018.
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  • 10/9/2018
    Connect America Fund Map Public Notice: WCB announces that an interactive Connect America Fund Broadband Map is now available that shows locations where funding recipients have already reported CAF-funded broadband deployment to fixed locations.
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  • 10/3/2018
    Ten ETC Designation Petitions Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on several petitions for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). Each of the petitioners is a winning bidder of Connect America support through the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II auction (Auction 903).
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  • 10/2/2018
    Performance Measures Order Petitions for Reconsideration Public Notice: WCB establishes pleading cycle for petitions for reconsideration of the Performance Measures Order.
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  • 10/2/2018
    National Verifier Full Launch Public Notice: WCB announces that effective November 2, 2018, the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier will fully launch in the initial six participating states - Colorado, Mississippi, Montana.
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  • 10/1/2018
    Lifeline IDV Correction Order: WCB addresses a request for correction of its earlier decision denying review of decisions made by USAC concerning duplicative support from the Lifeline program.
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  • 9/28/2018
    ACS Challenge Order: WCB resolves challenges to locations proposed by Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to receive high-cost support as part of ACS’s obligations set out in previous Commission actions seeking to extend service to unserved Alaskan consumers.
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  • 9/28/2018
    Farmington Municipal School District 5, et al. Order: WCB addresses a request for review and/or waiver filed by Farmington Municipal School District 5 (Farmington) regarding a Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) E-Rate decision.
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  • 9/28/2018
    September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 9/10/2018
    CAF II Auction Locations Adjustment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on several proposals to implement a process for resolving location discrepancies at issue for Phase II auction support recipients.
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  • 9/6/2018
    USAC Board Nominations Public Notice: WCB seeks nominations for six Board member positions on the Board of Directors of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) listed below for a three-year term.
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  • 9/5/2018
    HCLS Proposal Comment Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on NECA's 2019 Modification of the Average Schedule Company Universal Service High Cost Loop Support Formula.
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  • 9/5/2018
    Haefele ETC Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the petition for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) in the state of New York submitted by Haefele TV, Inc.
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  • 8/31/2018
    August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 8/17/2018
    Funding Year 2018 Category One and Category Two Funding Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC's estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2018.
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  • 8/15/2018
    Wireline and Wireless Compliance Plan of Global Connection Public Notice: WCB approves the joint wireline and wireless compliance plan of Global Connection, Inc. of America, (Global Connection).
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  • 8/13/2018
    TracFone Wirless, Inc Emergency Petition Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Emergency Petition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. for an Order Directing USAC to Alter the Implementation of the National Verifier to Optimize the Automated and Manual Eligibility Verification Processes.
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  • 8/8/2018
    Relief to Remote Alaskan School District Order: Grants an application for review filed by Pribilof School District requesting a waiver of the E-Rate filing deadline for Funding Year 2016.
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    Commissioner Rosenworcel
  • Commissioner O'Rielly
  • 8/7/2018
    Stage 1 Restoration Funding for Puerto Rico and the USVI Public Notice: WCB announces $64.2 million in Stage 1 restoration funding allocations for qualifying providers in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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  • 8/3/2018
    Telehealth for Low-Income Consumers Notice of Inquiry: Seeks comment on creating a Connected Care Pilot Program to support the delivery of telehealth services to low-income Americans.
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  • PDF
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel


  • 7/31/2018
    TracFone Renewed Motion for Declaratory Ruling Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on TracFone’s renewed Motion for Declaratory Ruling or for a Waiver for the purpose of conducting a market test of consumer demand for Lifeline service offerings.
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  • 7/31/2018
    NTCA Petition for Temporary Waiver Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on NTCA’s Petition for a Temporary Waiver from the minimum service standards.
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  • 7/31/2018
    July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 7/30/2018
    Funding Year 2019 E-Rate Eligible Service List Public Notice: Seeks comment on the proposed E-Rate Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2019.
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  • 7/23/2018
    Conditional Forbearance Lifeline Voice Public Notice: WCB announces counties where conditional forbearance from the Lifeline voice obligation applies.
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  • 7/20/2018
    Revised A-CAM Authorization Public Notice: Consistent with the Commission’s 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order, WCB authorizes 175 rate-of-return companies to receive Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support in exchange for extending broadband service to additional locations.
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  • 7/19/2018
    ACS Challenge Process Public Notice: WCB continues the challenge process for Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to identify areas eligible for its Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II frozen support.
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  • 7/18/2018
    New York Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on three separate Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation petitions in the state of New York for the purpose of being eligible to receive CAF support, as awarded by New York’s New NY Broadband Program.
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  • 7/18/2018
    Lifeline Minimum Service Standards and Budget Public Notice: WCB announces the updated minimum service standards levels for speed and usage allowances for Lifeline-supported services and the budget for federal universal service support for the Lifeline program for calendar year 2019.
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  • 7/13/2018
    Audited Financials Waiver Order: WCB denies several petitions for waiver of the deadline for submitting audited financial statements in connection with the annual FCC Form 481 reporting requirement.
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  • 7/12/2018
    Telehealth New Docket Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Opens Docket No. 18-213 Entitled “Promoting Telehealth for Low-Income Consumers.
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  • 7/11/2018
    QLink Petition Comment Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the Emergency Petition of Q Link Wireless, LLC (Q Link) for an Order Directing the Universal Service Administrative Company to Implement Machine-to-Machine Interfaces for the National Verifier.
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  • 7/10/2018
    ETC Designation Public Notice: WCB reminds participants in the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903) about the process for obtaining designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) by the Commission.
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  • 7/6/2018
    CAF Performance Measures Order: WCB, WTB, and OET adopt a uniform framework for measuring the speed and latency performance for recipients of CAF high-cost universal service support.
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  • 7/6/2018
    Colorado Waiver Denial Order: WCB and WTB deny a petition filed by the Colorado Broadband Deployment Board seeking waiver of the Connect America Fund Phase II auction rules.
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  • 7/5/2018
    Lifeline Stay Denial Order: WCB denies request for partial stay of the 2017 Lifeline Order filed jointly by Assist, Boomerang, Easy, the National Lifeline Association, the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and the Oceti Sakowin Tribal Utility Authority.
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  • 6/29/2018
    June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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  • 6/27/2018
    ACAM Second Offer Extension Public Notice: WCB announces an extension of the deadline for authorized companies to accept revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) until June 29, 2018.
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  • 6/27/2018
    USVI Fund Comment Extension Order: WCB extends the deadline for filing comments and reply comments in response to the Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Rulemaking until July 26, 2018 and August 8, 2018, respectively.
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  • 6/26/2018
    Alaska Plan Carriers Filing Middle-Mile Fiber and Microwave Network Maps Extension Public Notice: :WCB and WTB extend the first filing deadline for Alaska Plan middle-mile data submissions made pursuant to Section 54.316(a)(6) from July 2, 2018, to August 1, 2018.
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  • 6/25/2018
    Hawaiian Telecom Horizon Telcom Waiver Order: : Bureaus conditionally grant Hawaiian Telcom and Horizon Telcom’s petition for waiver.
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  • 6/25/2018
    CAF Phase II Auction Waiver Petitions Order: : Bureaus address petitions for waiver of the Commission’s Connect America Fund Phase II auction short-form application requirements.
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  • 6/25/2018
    Telehealth in Rural America Report and Order: Addresses the current funding shortfall in the Rural Health Care Program by raising the annual program budget cap to $571 million.
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  • PDF
    Chairman Pai
    Commissioner O'Rielly
    Commissioner Carr
    Commissioner Rosenworcel
    • 6/19/2018
      2019 Lifeline Recertification Process Public Notice: WCB provides guidance regarding the process for those eligible telecommunications carriers who wish to elect the Universal Service Administrative Company to perform Lifeline recertification for their subscribers in 2019.
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    • 6/18/2018
      Initial Six-State Launch of Lifeline National Verifier Public Notice: WCB announces that the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier database is now operational in Colorado, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
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    • 6/14/2018
      Michigan Extension Order: WCB grants the Michigan State Public Service Commission's motion for an extension until December 31, 2018 of the Bureau's previously granted temporary waiver to implement the federal streamlined eligibility programs.
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    • 6/14/2018
      OEConnect, LLC and Hughes Network Systems, LLC ETC Comments Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on two Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) designation petitions filed by OEConnect, LLC and Hughes Network Systems, LLC.
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    • 6/7/2018
      NTCA-USTelecom Forbearance Petition Order: Order granting forbearance from applying Universal Service Fund contribution requirements to rural carriers’ broadband Internet access transmission services.
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    • 6/6/2018
      FairPoint Challenge Progress Public Notice: WCB concludes the limited Connect America Fund Phase I challenge process regarding 185 previously unidentified census blocks served by FairPoint Communications, Inc.
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    • 6/6/2018
      FCC Form 481 Filing Deadline Waiver Order: WCB grants a waiver of the FCC Form 481 filing deadline for the annual eligible telecommunications carrier reporting requirements under section 54.313(j) of the Commission’s rules until July 16, 2018.
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    • 5/31/2018
      May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
      Word PDF
    • 5/29/2018
      The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund, et al. Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: FCC approves additional funding to restore communications networks in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and seeks comment on almost $900 million in long-term funding for network expansion.
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      Chairman Pai
      Commissioner Clyburn
      Commissioner O'Rielly
      Commissioner Carr
      Commissioner Rosenworcel
    • 5/23/2018
      National Security NPRM Docket Protective Order: WCB releases a protective order for the Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through FCC Programs docket, WC Docket No. 18-89.
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    • 5/18/2018
      CAF New York Long Form Public Notice: WCB announces deadline for filing long-form application following the New York State announcement of New NY Broadband Phase 3 auction winning bidders.
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    • 5/18/2018
      Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund Docket Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau opens WC Docket No. 18-143, which is captioned “The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund”.
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    • 5/17/2018
      Out of Window USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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    • 5/16/2018
      Mobility Fund II Challenge Process Presentation in New Hampshire Public Notice: The Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force (RBATF) announces an upcoming presentation on the Mobility Fund Phase II reverse auction challenge process in Concord, New Hampshire on May 22, 2018.
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    • 5/11/2018
      New Model Illustrative Results Public Notice: WCB announces the availability of illustrative model results intended to aid parties that are preparing comments in response to the 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform NPRM.
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    • 5/8/2018
      Utah Education and Telehealth Network Order: Grants the Utah Education and Telehealth Network a waiver of the deadline to complete its funding year 2016 special construction project and begin use of the leased lit fiber service.
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    • 5/7/2018
      A-CAM Revised Offer Public Notice: WCB announces 217 revised offers of Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) support and the associated revised deployment obligations to expand rural broadband, consistent with the Commission’s 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order and FNPRM.
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    • 5/7/2018
      Lifeline IDV Appeals Order: WCB denies 14 requests seeking review of decisions made by the USAC concerning duplicative support from the Lifeline program.
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    • 5/2/2018
      National Security Supply Chain Public Notice: WCB announces comment dates for NPRM on Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain.
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    • 5/1/2018
      FCC Guidance to USAC on E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2018 Letter: Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Managing Director Provide Guidance to USAC on Application of E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2018.
      Word PDF


    • 4/30/2018
      April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
      Word PDF
    • 4/27/2018
      FairPoint Challenge Public Notice: WCB grants, in part, the petition for waiver of section 54.312 of the Commission’s rules filed by FairPoint Communications.
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    • 4/27/2018
      FairPoint Petition Waiver Order: WCB grants, in part, the petition for waiver of section 54.312 of the Commission’s rules filed by FairPoint Communications.
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    • 4/26/2018
      Alaska Communications Systems’ Reconsideration Order: FCC decides Alaska Communications Systems’ petition concerning Connect America Fund Phase II voice and broadband service obligations.
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    • 4/19/2018
      FairPoint Order and Declaratory Ruling: : FCC decides legacy support issue arising from the ongoing reform and modernization of the universal service fund and intercarrier compensation systems.
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    • 4/18/2018
      Supply Chain Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: FCC proposes prohibiting use of universal service support on equipment or services from companies that pose national security threats.
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      Chairman Pai
      Commissioner Clyburn
      Commissioner O'Rielly
      Commissioner Carr
    • 4/5/2018
      Tribal Funding Order: The Commission allows certain rate-of-return carriers serving Tribal communities to recover higher levels of operational expenses, given the unique and challenging circumstances that make it more expensive to serve Tribal lands.
      Word PDF
      Chairman Pai
      Commissioner Clyburn
      Commissioner O'Rielly
      Commissioner Carr
      Commissioner Rosenworcel
    • 4/4/2018
      Alaska Communications Petition for Clarification or Limited Waiver of the Geocoded Location Identification Requirements of the Connect America Fund Phase Order: WCB denies the petition for clarification or waiver filed by Alaska Communications Services Group, Inc. (ACS).
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    • 3/30/2018
      March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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    • 3/28/2018
      Oglala Sioux Tribe Petition for Reconsideration Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Oglala Sioux Tribe Petition for Reconsideration of Partial Waiver Order
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    • 3/27/2018
      WCB Opens WC Docket No. 18-89 Public Notice: WCB opens WC Docket No. 18-89, which is captioned “Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through FCC Programs.”
      Word PDF
    • 3/23/2018
      Connect America Fund, et al. Report and Order, Third Order on Reconsideration and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The Commission takes several steps to increase broadband deployment in rural areas. These actions include reducing, refining, and clarifying existing rules, and providing additional support in return for increased broadband deployment obligations.
      Word PDF
      Chairman Pai
      Commissioner Clyburn
      Commissioner O'Rielly
      Commissioner Carr
      Commissioner Rosenworcel
    • 3/20/2018
      Shenandoah Personal Communications, LLC Relinquisment Order: TAPD grants the request of Shenandoah Personal Communications, LLC (Shentel), successor by merger of NTELOS, to relinquish NTELOS’ eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) designation in Virginia.
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    • 3/19/2018
      Promoting Telehealth in Rural America Order: Waives the Healthcare Connect Fund’s funding year 2017 invoice filing deadline for the funding request numbers identified in the Appendix.
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    • 3/14/2018
      FCC Names NY Commissioner Sayre to Joint Board on Universal Service Order: The Commission appoints the Honorable Gregg Sayre, Commissioner of the New York State Public Service Commission, to serve on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service.
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    • 3/13/2018
      Pine Ridge Waiver Order: WCB grants in part the request of the Oglala Sioux Tribe for a temporary waiver of the Lifeline recertification rules.
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    • 3/13/2018
      USAC Board Appointment Public Notice: WCB denies PRTC’s request for declaratory ruling, but grants a limited waiver such that no support will be recovered from PRTC for locations it served within a year of its Phase I incremental support deadlines.
      Word PDF
    • 3/13/2018
      Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.Declaratory Ruling Order: WCB denies PRTC’s request for declaratory ruling, but grants a limited waiver such that no support will be recovered from PRTC for locations it served within a year of its Phase I incremental support deadlines.
      Word PDF
    • 3/1/2018
      Telrite Corporation Order: WCB grants, in part, the petition of Telrite Corporation to extend the Bureau’s temporary waiver of the Lifeline Program’s recertification and non-usage rules in Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands through May 31, 2018.
      Word PDF
    • 3/1/2018
      Guidance on CAF-BLS Reporting and Deployment Obligations Public Notice: WCB provides additional guidance and clarification regarding FCC Form 477 and High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) reporting obligations.
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    • 3/1/2018
      CAF II Model Eligible Area Public Notice: WCB releases a revised list of census blocks eligible for Connect America Phase II model-based support where price cap carriers accepted a state-level commitment to deploy broadband.
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    • 2/28/2018
      February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
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    • 2/26/2018
      E-Rate Invoicing Waiver Order: Waives invoice extension rule to provide extraordinary relief for applicants and service providers affected by USAC delays.
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    • 2/22/2018
      Allband Communications’ Waiver Petition Order: WCB grants in part and denies in part a petition for waiver filed by Allband Communications Cooperative (Allband) of section 54.302 of the Commission’s rules.
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    • 2/22/2018
      Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation and South Central Communications, Inc. Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the petition of Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation (Iowa) (GRMIA) and South Central Communications, Inc. (SCC) for waiver of the definition of “study area.”
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    • 2/20/2018
      E-Rate Inflation Adjustment Public Notice: Announces E-rate program budgetary cap for funding year 2018.
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    • 2/20/2018
      Lifeline Universal Forms Public Notice: WCB provides guidance regarding the new universal forms for the Lifeline program that consumers and eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) must use to verify and recertify subscriber eligibility beginning on July 1, 2018.
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    • 2/15/2018
      FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q Public Notice: WCB Announces Release of 2018 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets and accompanying instructions to be used in reporting 2017 revenues.
      Word PDF
      Form 499-A Instructions
      Form 499-Q Instructions
    • 2/9/2018
      Sprint Reconsideration Order: Denied Sprint's Petitions for Reconsideration of the Bureau's Lifeline Waiver Extension Orders, which granted California, New York, and Michigan additional time to implement the revised Lifeline qualifying programs.
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    • 2/9/2018
      California Public Utilities Commission Wildfire Order: WCB grants in part the California Public Utilities Commission’s two petitions requesting temporary waivers of the Lifeline program’s non-usage and recertification rules for subscribers in counties affected by the California wildfires.
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    • 2/8/2018
      NaLa Petition for Declaratory Ruling Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on a Petition for Declaratory Ruling by National Lifeline Association (NaLA) regarding reimbursement for all Lifeline subscribers who are eligible as of the first of the month.
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    • 2/6/2018
      Revised CAF Phase II Eligible Area Public Notice: WCB releases a revised final list of census blocks eligible for the Connect America Fund Phase II auction (Auction 903), a revised list of the census block groups and associated annual reserve prices and location counts, and a revised map showing the eligible blocks within the census block groups.
      Word PDF
    • 2/5/2018
      Alaska Communications Systems Challenge Process Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau commences the challenge process for Alaska Communications Systems (ACS) to identify areas eligible for its Connect America Fund Phase II frozen support.
      Word PDF
    • 2/2/2018
      Telrite Corporation Waiver Extension Order: WCB the petition of Telrite Corporation to extend the Bureau’s previously granted temporary waiver of the Lifeline Program’s recertification rules in Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands through April 30, 2018.
      Word PDF>


    • 1/31/2018
      SES Government Services, Inc Seeks Comment on Petition for Reconsideration: WCB seeks public comment on a petition for reconsideration filed by SES Government Services, Inc., asking the Bureau to reconsider its May 24, 2017 Order, which denied a petition for clarification or declaratory ruling from Stratos Government Services, Inc.
      Word PDF
    • 1/31/2018
      January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
      Word PDF
    • 1/23/2018
      The National Hispanic Media Coalition Comment Extension Order: WCB grants in part the National Hispanic Media Coalition’s (NHMC) request for an extension of time to file comments and reply comments in response to the 2017 Lifeline Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) and Notice of Inquiry (NOI).
      Word PDF
    • 1/11/2018
      Alaska Telephone Association Petition for Clarification and Waiver of Lifeline Minimum Service Standards Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on Alaska Telephone Petition for Clarification and Waiver of certain Commission rules relating to the Lifeline minimum service standards for mobile broadband service and fixed broadband service in remote areas in Alaska.
      Word PDF
    • 1/10/2018
      Guidance on the Lifeline Reimbursement Payment Process Based on NLAD Data Public Notice: WCB provides guidance to carriers regarding the Lifeline reimbursement process using subscriber data contained in the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD).
      Word PDF
    • 1/4/2018
      Comment and Reply Dates for Rural Health Care Rulemaking Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Comment and Reply Comment Dates for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Promoting Telehealth in Rural America.
      Word PDF


Thursday, December 17, 2020