June 2020 BRIDG

 Yesterday, we held the first ever 100% virtual BRIDG meeting. While we normally have about 250 people attend BRIDG, this meeting set a new record. Over 650 people joined the meeting online and another several hundred tried to call into the meeting. While many were able to get in and participate, we are aware that many also were not able to access the event or were disconnected. Unfortunately, we were not able to add additional capacity during the event. Our apologies to all those who did not get to participate in the live experience. We will be working to better prepare for our August meeting.  

We have posted the Powerpoint version (.ppt) of the presentation slides online and the meeting recording on our YouTube page. The recording is also embedded below.

Questions about BRIDG can be sent via email to rm.communications@nara.gov or in a comment below.  You can always find the latest information about this BRIDG meeting on our website.

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