NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Please Note:  

To view imagery from the operational GOES East (GOES-16) and GOES West (GOES-17) satellites, users may visit

Spatial Data Products
for Geographical Information Systems

GOES East Image

FTP GOES East Data

Sample GOES West Image

FTP GOES West Data

Sample AVHRR Image


GOES Winds GOES SST Surface Data
Sample Winds Image

FTP Winds Data and Metadata

Sample GOES SST Image

FTP SST Data and Metadata

Sample Surface Data Image

FTP Surface Data

Other Data Available:   FTP SSMI Products | FTP AMSU Products

Data is near real-time and available for a maximum of four days through the Satellite Products and Services Division.
File size varies up to approximately 100 megabytes.

GIS Data Available Through Interactive Internet Mapping

Product Information
GOES  |  SST  |  AVHRR/Polar  |  Winds  |  Precipitation Products  |  Surface Data  |  Satellite Information

More Information
The Satellite Products and Services Division GIS Project is lead by the GIS Development Team. The mission is to provide polar and geostationary near real-time satellite data and derived products produced in SPSD in a format compatible with commercial GIS software. Our goal is to increase interoperability of NOAA spatial data and offer this data through an interactive internet mapping service and through file transfer protocol. This data will include Federal Geographic Data Committee compliant metadata. In addition, the SPSD GIS Development Team is working with the NOAA GIS Committee to ensure standardization of data to be included in the E-gov efforts for a NOAA Geospatial One-Stop at and other E-gov web portals.