Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center


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A dark image looking down from a vegetated coastal bluff at a sandy beach and the ocean.
November 19, 2020

Sunset State Beach Variance Image

Far out, man... where science meets art

This is an image produced from one of two video cameras, which were installed to overlook the coast at Sunset State Beach in Watsonville, California. The cameras are part of the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center’s 

A man wearing safety gear and a warm hat sits in a pontoon boat in very calm water setting up equipment, bridge in background.
September 29, 2020

Portable single-beam echo sounder set-up

Marine engineering technician Pete Dal Ferro sets up a newly acquired, portable, single-beam echo sounder on the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz, California. The new device, called CEESCOPE, collects bathymetric (depth) data and also records features of the subsurface. All the components are easy for one person to set up and operate, with GPS and an LCD touch screen. This

A small inflatable boat sits on a towing platform with big wheels, on sand in front of an elevated amusement park ride.
September 29, 2020

Ready for nearshore survey

The USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's new inflatable boat equipped with a portable, single beam, shallow-water echo sounder used for nearshore surveys. USGS scientists collect such data seasonally, to study sediment input and movement in and around Monterey Bay area beaches.

A cross-section illustration that shows the features of a subduction zone where oceanic and continental plates collide.
August 14, 2020

Subduction zone schematic

Schematic cross-section of the accretionary wedge along the Cascadia subduction zone. Modified from Moore and others, 2007.

Map illustration of the seafloor off the continental coastline shows all of the regions and tracklines of recent fieldwork.
August 14, 2020

Cascadia fieldwork map

Index map of U.S. Cascadia margin showing where data have been collected since 2018 as part of the Subduction Zone Marine Geohazards Project. Details of each survey effort are provided on the Cascadia Subduction Zone Marine Geohazards project web site.

A map illustration of the seafloor off of a coastal area, that shows the features like submarine canyons and depth.
August 14, 2020

Offshore northern California bathymetric map

Bathymetric map of offshore northern California reveals seafloor features and submarine canyons.

Map illustration of the seafloor off the continental coastline, that reveals seafloor features like submarine canyons.
August 14, 2020

Bathymetric map of offshore Oregon

Bathymetric map of offshore Oregon with Stonewall, Heceta, and Siltcoos Banks labeled.

Map illustration of the seafloor off the continental coastline, that reveals seafloor features like submarine canyons.
August 14, 2020

Bathymetric map of offshore Washington

Bathymetric map of offshore Washington reveals seafloor features and submarine canyons.

A map shows relief of a long stretch of continental margin with features on land and in the ocean labeled with lines and words.
August 14, 2020

Cascadia megathrust fault map

Topo-bathymetric map of the Cascadia subduction zone. Cascadia megathrust fault (white line); approximate shelf break along 200-m isobath (yellow line); MTJ, Mendocino triple junction.

View of a dark sand beach littered with logs and tree stumps with snow-capped mountains in background and gentle ocean waves.
July 24, 2020

Elwha River delta

View looks southwest along the eastern flank of the Elwha River delta and back towards the mouth of the river. USGS conducts regular surveys along this stretch of coastline, to monitor the evolving coastline following removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams, completed in 2014.

One person on an all-terrain vehicle and two standing near another, on a beach.
July 21, 2020

Taking PPE to a whole new level

You have to be able to have a little fun when in the field. A colleague from the Washington State Department of Ecology hams it up while prepping for a beach survey with scientists from the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center. The multi-agency surveys define sediment transport pathways and record coastal changes at the mouth of the Columbia River, where dams,

View looks along a coastal beach from a rocky jetty.
July 18, 2020

Fort Stevens State Park

Photo of surf zone offshore of Fort Stevens State Park taken from the Columbia River South Jetty observation deck.