Add Your Data Catalog to

Sign up here to get your local data federated to for greater discoverability and impact.

If your data catalog is ready to be added to as described in the Data Publisher How-To Guide, please provide the relevant information here and we’ll contact you when everything is ready.

    If your catalog includes data from other sources like the Federal Government or a non-profit, please provide those details here. and Non-Federal Data Sources


    • is the federal catalog established in 2009
    • Federal Open Data Policy issued in 2013 requires federal agencies to maintain comprehensive data inventories that are automatically harvested daily by the catalog.
    • Detailed guidance for federal agencies can be found at Project Open Data. The federal agencies are required to describe their datasets using a required metadata schema.
    • catalog uses the CKAN open source platform for the catalog and for harvesting the agency data sources.
    • The same harvesting mechanism is used to incorporate non-federal sources. has a local section.

    For non-federal government open data sources:

    This article provides details on how data sources are added, with a section for non-federal sources.

    The basic requirements are:

    1. A data.json that can be harvested by the catalog, with certain minimum metadata. You can validate your data.json at, choose the non-federal schema v 1.1.
    2. A terms of use/data policy – needs to link to the applicable non-federal data policy to inform users that non-federal data may have different terms of use.
    3. A point of contact for the non-federal source. Because we receive questions about all datasets that users find on at our Contact Us page, we need a point of contact to refer questions that should be addressed by the non-federal data source.

    Questions? Please contact us at