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Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

The U.S. Senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by a vote of 52-48.  

Senate Judiciary Committee Unanimously Sends Judge Barrett’s Nomination to the Full Senate Details 
Senate Judiciary Committee Unanimously Sends Judge Barrett’s Nomination to the Full Senate
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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham made this statement after the committee voted unanimously to advance Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Now, the full Senate must vote on her nomination.

Chairman Graham Meets with Judge Barrett: America Is Lucky To Have You Nominated Details 
Chairman Graham Meets with Judge Barrett: America Is Lucky To Have You Nominated
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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) met with Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s nominee to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.  

Chairman Graham Welcomes President's Intent to Nominate Highly Qualified Judicial Nominees Details 
Chairman Graham Welcomes President's Intent to Nominate Highly Qualified Judicial Nominees
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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on President Donald Trump’s intent to nominate 51 judicial nominees. 

Hearings AND Meetings

12/16/20 2:00 PM Supporting Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Movement Through U.S. Refugee Policy
12/16/20 10:00 AM Nominations
12/15/20 2:30 PM The Role of Private Agreements and Existing Technology in Curbing Online Piracy
12/10/20 10:00 AM Executive Business Meeting
12/03/20 10:00 AM Executive Business Meeting
Official Portrait of Chuck Grassley

Lindsey Graham

of South Carolina

Republican members

  • Lindsey Graham (SC)
  • Chuck Grassley (IA)
  • John Cornyn (TX)
  • Michael S. Lee (UT)
  • Ted Cruz (TX)
  • Ben Sasse (NE)
  • Joshua D. Hawley (MO)
  • Thom Tillis (NC)
  • Joni  Ernst (IA)
  • Mike Crapo (ID)
  • John Kennedy (LA)
  • Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Official Portrait Of Dianne Fienstein

Dianne Feinstein

of California
Ranking Member

Democratic members

  • Dianne Feinstein (CA)
  • Patrick Leahy (VT)
  • Dick Durbin (IL)
  • Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
  • Amy Klobuchar (MN)
  • Christopher A. Coons (DE)
  • Richard Blumenthal (CT)
  • Mazie Hirono (HI)
  • Cory Booker (NJ)
  • Kamala Harris (CA)