Coronavirus: Find the latest resources on COVID-19.


Homelessness services systems should be working closely with their city and county governments and public health systems to prepare for COVID-19 disease outbreaks among people experiencing homelessness.

Vaccination Guidance During a Pandemic, CDC (July 16)

USICH and SARS-CoV-2- The Federal Response for Families and Individuals Experiencing Homelessness, USICH (July 6)

NEW: COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Winter Planning Resources  HUD (October 2020)

NEW: Facility Ventilation Considerations   CDC (November 2020)

CDC Guidance 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have developed recommendations for homelessness services systems and providers about how to protect their staff, clients, and guests. Those recommendations fall into three groups: Plan, Act, and Follow-Up.


Community Planning and Preparedness


Site-Specific Emergency Operations

Client Support and Care

For a curated list of key resources on client support and care, please see National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s COVID-19 resources.

Funding, Flexibilities, and Waivers

For more information on the links below, please see our dedicated page COVID-19 Funding, Flexibilities and Waivers.

Other Considerations

Community Examples

For more community examples, see either NAEH's Coronavirus and Homelessness resource collection or Community Solutions' curated web portal. USICH does not endorse the resources found on those pages.


Community Planning