PFEL Data Holdings

Surface atmospheric pressure derived products

Source data are U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) synoptic surface pressure analyses. Primary products are presently derived from the FNMOC 360x181 global spherical one degree surface (mean sea level) atmospheric pressure field nominally available at six-hourly intervals. Historical segments of products were derived from FNMOC 63x63 northern hemisphere polar stereographic or from the FNMOC 73x144 global spherical pressure fields with same nominal availability.

Data Archives:

Standard monthly products
Field Grid Format/Media
North Pacific 3-degree pressure, wind-driven ocean flow indices 18-63N, 130E-101W Monthly Mean/listing
North Pacific alternate 5-degree pressure, wind-driven ocean flow indices 15-65N, 115E-100W Monthly Mean/listing
North Atlantic 3-degree pressure, wind-driven ocean flow indices 9-72N, 18E-102W Monthly Mean/listing
North Atlantic alternate 5-degree pressure,wind-driven ocean flow indices 15-65N, 10E-105W Monthly Mean/listing
West Coast Upwelling Index (offshore Ekman transport) 21N-60N, 15 locations Monthly Mean/table; Daily,Weekly Mean/table w/ bar graph

Time Series Products:
FNMOC 360x181 global spherical fields and 63x63 northern hemisphere fields
Sea level pressure, north and east components of wind velocity, north and east components of wind stress, curl of wind stress, cube of wind speed, north and east components of Ekman transport, offshore Ekman transport (upwelling index), and vertical velocity into Ekman layer.
Time series of above parameters interpolated to desired location on six-hourly,daily and monthly basis
80-char. records with graphical output; bar graphs and stick vector plots of selected parameters

Surface Marine Deck/ship report products

Source data are the unclassified FNMOC surface ship reports archive. This set includes at least some buoy reports, including drifting buoys linked via satellite communication to the global telecommunications system.
Data Archive:
Jan. 1970 to present

Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS)

Raw (original) reports of global COADS file on CD-ROM for selected regions and software to access the data. These data have limited availability. Presently working on update of COADS release 1a.