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  • Starting in January 2021, we’re making the process easier for participants. If you’re turning 50 or older and are eligible for catch-up, you’ll no longer need to make separate catch-up elections to your TSP account. To learn how to make these contributions next year, visit Catch-up contributions.

Living in retirement

Statistics show that people are living longer, healthier lives. It’s possible that you could spend two, maybe three, decades in retirement. The money in your TSP account plays a big role in your retirement picture. You’ll need those savings to provide you with income when you need it.

Staying with the TSP

If your vested account balance is $200 or more when you leave federal service, your TSP account stays right where it is until you need it. You can keep more of what you save thanks to our low costs. Plus, you can change your investment mix and transfer eligible money into your account.

Each individual’s situation is different and should be considered when making this decision. Our goal is to help provide the tools you need to make the best choice for yourself. These eye-opening videos may make you think twice about moving your money to another retirement plan.

And be sure to check out our other videos at to learn more.