Current Status

  • *** 0019UTC 03Mar2020: As of 16Z 02Mar2020 (062), the GOES-15 satellite was placed in standby mode ( As a result, all near-realtime GOES Sounder and Imager products seen on this webpage are now deactivated. It is possible that some GOES-15 products could return briefly in August 2020, during the peak period for Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones. We thank you for your patronage over the years! (Please contact: for any questions/concerns.)

Recent Changes

  • 0019UTC 03Mar2020: As of 16Z 02Mar2020 (062), the GOES-15 satellite was placed in standby mode ( As a result, all near-realtime GOES Sounder and Imager products seen on this webpage are now deactivated. It is possible that some GOES-15 products could return briefly in August 2020, during the peak period for Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones. We thank you for your patronage over the years! (
  • 0032UTC 13Aug2019: As of approximately 18Z 12Aug2019 (224), the GOES-14 satellite was returned to storage mode, following its annual checkout period ( (
  • 1723UTC 01Aug2019: As of 01Aug2019, a limited set of GOES-14 Sounder products have been activated. These products will only be available until 08Aug2019. The Sounder retrieval products (for example, Precipitable Water) should be nominal within approximately 24 hours. Please see: for further information. (
  • 1557UTC 22Aug2018: Now include a black background beneath state storm report totals (Sounder DPI -- Precipitable Water and Lifted Index), for better readability (
  • 0000UTC 30Jul2018: Updated Sounder DPI imagery to have cyan basemaps for CONUS sector products, as well as the "Full" coverage (e.g., Precipitable Water: Full GOES-East/West Coverage) products (
  • 2100UTC 04May2017: Added a link to the CIMSS Retrievals/Clouds online Archive (CRCA). (
  • 1700UTC 28Sep2016: As of 1400Z 27Sep2016 (2016271), the GOES-14 Imager and Sounder instruments were deactivated. GOES-14 is now in on-orbit storage.. ( (
  • 0234UTC 03Aug2016: As of 2000Z 02Aug2016 (2016215), select GOES-14 Sounder imagery and products are again available here. GOES-14 Sounder Total Precipitable Water, Lifted Index and Cloud Top Pressure Derived Product Imagery (DPI) became available 1800Z 04Aug2016 (2016217). (
  • 2316UTC 30Jan2016: GOES-14 Sounder products are now available on the GOES Sounder Page. See also CIMSS ADDE G14 products for availability of CIMSS GOES-14 Sounder Derived Product Image (DPI) areafiles and (SRET-schema) retrieval MD file data. (
  • 1731UTC 20Nov2015: At approximately 0922UTC 20Nov2015, the GOES-13 Sounder experienced an anomaly. All GOES-13 Sounder imagery and related products are affected. For further details, please see CIMSS Satellite Blog entry. (
  • 1800UTC 26Jun2015: Removed CIMSSP1 ADDE group from all_cimss_adde_datasets (
  • 0331UTC 17Jun2015: Software updates re-enabled remaining looping capabilities that had been broken (

This website contains various GOES derived product images (DPI) as well as composite displays made routinely at CIMSS, usually every hour, using current GOES multi-spectral sounding and imager data.

Realtime radiances and derived products

For those using McIDAS to gain ADDE access to the satellite data used in these displays, use one of the following CIMSSP* ADDE groups: CIMSSP or CIMSSP7. Please see all_cimss_adde_datasets

Other GOES Products at CIMSS

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Unless otherwise noted, all satellite data are provided by the Data Center at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) of the University of Wisconsin - Madison and are displayed using McIDAS, the Man computer Interactive Data Access System.

Miscellaneous Information

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The GOES-13 satellite is no longer operational. Please see here for further information.


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The products from GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) shown here are experimental. These are generated and maintained within a research environment (here at CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies)) and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

This website works best when viewed with a browser that is compliant with W3C standards, such as Firefox, Netscape version 7 and up, Opera, and Safari.