To request data, please create an account


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Search for and request NCI-sponsored clinical data Search Trial Data.

Check back periodically as trial data are added to the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive on an ongoing basis.

For information on the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive and its contents, please visit our about us page.

Detailed instructions for requesting data are available in the How to Make a Request [PDF].

Note: Data can be used to approximate published study findings, but exact replication of previous manuscripts may not be possible in some cases (e.g., when data must be modified for de-identification purposes).


A signed Data Use Agreement (DUA) is required to access the data. A request-specific DUA will be autogenerated during the data request process.

The request-specific Data Use Agreement (DUA) must contain properly formatted and legally-binding signatures by the requestor and an Authorized Representative from his/her institution.

Note: Properly completing the Data Use Agreement will prevent delays in the processing of your request.

It is NCI’s policy that the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive’s Data Use Agreement (DUA) cannot be modified on a case-by-case basis.