The SEER Inquiry System (SINQ) is a searchable collection of questions that cancer registrars have had while coding cancer cases. These are questions submitted by designated registrars in SEER registries. The questions are answered by expert staff and go through a rigorous review process by NCI SEER staff and designated SEER registry staff before being added to SINQ.

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Recent Questions
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Reportability--Kidney:  Is Bosniak 4 cystic lesion of right kidney reportable, and would the first CT date be the date of diagnosis?  See Discussion.

Final Oct 29 2020

Surgery of Primary Site/Surgery Codes, NOS--Pancreas:  What exactly is an extended pancreatoduodenectomy? Must the entire pancreas be resected in order to use code 70? What minimal requirements must be met to use code 70? How should a Whipple with cholecystectomy, partial omentectomy, common hepatic excision, portal vein resection, and lymphadenectomy be coded?

Final Oct 29 2020

Histology--Lung:  Is there a better code for SMARCA4-deficient malignant neoplasms than 8000/3 that could be used especially given its aggressive nature? This term is not included in the Lung Solid Tumor Rules or ICD-O-3.1 and 3.2.  See Discussion.

Final Oct 29 2020

Reportability--Gallbladder:  Is Intracholecystic papillary neoplasm (ICPN) with low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia reportable? The primary site is gallbladder.

Final Oct 29 2020

Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Multiple primaries--Liver: When does a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence in the same area of the liver get accessioned as a new tumor following TACE/Y90/RFA? If there is a new HCC in the same area as previously treated but it is stated to be recurrent and/or progressive disease, is that evidence of a disease-free interval? If the tumor area is stated to be LR-TR and non-viable, but then a new HCC in that area is diagnosed, does that count as a disease-free interval? See Discussion.

Final Oct 15 2020

Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Multiple primaries--Bladder. Would the metastatic diagnosis indicate a new primary?  If the metastatic diagnosis indicates a new primary, would the primary site be C688 and date of diagnosis 11/14/18? See Discussion.

Final Oct 15 2020

Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Prostate: How is the histology coded for a diagnosis of mixed prostatic adenocarcinoma (5%) and small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (95%) from a transurethral resection of the prostate? See Discussion.


Final Oct 13 2020

Primary site/Unknown and ill-defined site--Melanoma:  What is the primary site for a case of metastatic melanoma with an unknown primary site? See Discussion.

Final Oct 02 2020

Surgery of Primary Site/Multiple primaries--Breast: Should the Surgery of Primary Site for the 2020 diagnosis be coded 51 (Modified radical mastectomy without removal of uninvolved contralateral breast) when a partial mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection are performed for a 2011 right breast primary and a subsequent 2020 right breast primary is treated with a total mastectomy only? See Discussion.

Final Oct 02 2020

Summary Stage 2018/EOD 2018--Lymphoma Orbital Adnexa:  What is the correct Summary Stage 2018 (SS2018) for the site/histology Orbit, NOS (C696), 9699/3?  In SEER*RSA, Extent of Disease (EOD) Primary Tumor references code 7 (Distant), whereas SS2018 assigns code 2 (Regional)?  See Discussion.

Final Sep 28 2020
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