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The 2019 Congressional App Challenge is now accepting entries! I am once again pleased to have this opportunity to participate in this exciting competition which is open to all middle school and high school students in the 11th Congressional District of Virginia.

The Congressional App Challenge is a competition aimed at encouraging U.S. high school students to learn how to code by creating their own applications. The Challenge is intended to highlight the value of computer science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and encourage students to engage in these fields. By encouraging and recognizing our nation’s young programming talent, Congress hopes to shine a light on the growing importance of these skills. For complete registration information and resources, please visit the Congressional App Challenge Website here.

Important Dates

• Submissions will be accepted until November 1, 2019.
• Winners will be announced December 9.

Important Details and Required Submission Materials:

• Submissions may be from individuals who either live in or attend school in the 11th Congressional District.
• Participants must register here before submitting their materials
• Title of the app.
• Coding language used.
• Explanation of the app’s purpose in one sentence. (140 characters max)
• What inspired you to create this app? (200 characters max)
• What is your app trying to accomplish (200 characters max)
• What technical/coding difficulty did you face in programming your app and how did you address this challenge? (1500 characters max)
• Demonstration video (No longer than 3 minutes)

Winners will be chosen based on originality, app design, and quality of coding by independent judges. Additional information on the submission of an app and rules for the competition can be found here. The competition is open to students of all abilities, if you have any interest we encourage you to check out our online resources. Please feel free to contact our Annandale District Office with any questions at 703-256-3071. 
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