Technical Assistance Directory

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program offers training and technical assistance (T/TA) to support recipients in key areas. T/TA takes many forms; the most common are tools, webinars, and manuals found in the TargetHIV Library. Some T/TA providers provide phone and email-based assistance and consultation and others manage regional and national learning collaboratives. 

HRSA HAB Project Officers are the first point-of-contact for Ryan White recipients in managing their federal funds and accessing training and technical assistance.

This directory of T/TA projects is organized by primary topic area.

Program & Grant Management

  • HRSA recipients first point-of-contact for managing federal grants and accessing training and technical assistance.

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

Clinical Quality Management

Data & Reporting (RSR, ADR, EHB, CDR, EHE, HIVQM, AETC)

Global HIV/AIDS Programs

Health Coverage

  • The Access, Care, and Engagement Technical Assistance (ACE TA) Center builds the capacity of the RWHAP community to navigate the changing health care landscape and help people with HIV to access and use their health coverage to improve health outcomes.  

HIV Care Innovations

HIV Clinician Training & Support

People with HIV & Community Involvement

Planning and Planning Bodies


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