• Coronavirus Phase III Legislation

    Everything you need to know about the Phase III legislation - the CARES ACT. The new law provides resources to combat the coronavirus and provide financial stability to Americans and U.S. businesses.
  • Coronavirus Updates

    Congressman Armstrong is closely monitoring the federal and state response to the coronavirus. Please see this new resource page on our website for trusted information on the latest developments.
  • Congressman Armstrong supports the COVID-19 economic relief package

    "Throughout our history, Americans have mobilized in extraordinary and unprecedented ways in times of national crisis. The enemy we face now requires a different response, and Americans are responding the way they always do - by being smart, tough, and compassionate." -Congressman Armstrong
  • Armstrong discusses North Dakota's oil industry with Stuart Varney

    "U.S. producers have protected the country from artificially high energy prices for a decade. Now government needs to get serious about policies to protect ourselves from artificially low prices."
  • Congressman Kelly Armstrong Questions USDA's Decision to Lift Ban on Brazilian Beef

    Brazilian beef imports have routinely failed to meet acceptable standards in the United States. From pasture to plate, consumers should have confidence in knowing that their beef has passed rigorous inspection and met various health standards.
  • Congressman Armstrong promotes North Dakota's energy industry

    "Hydraulic fracturing has huge benefits for America, including energy security, national security, economic growth, and reduced carbon emissions. Any attempt to ban fracking makes us less safe, less prosperous, and will do nothing to reduce carbon emissions." -Congressman Armstrong

Latest News

December 17, 2020 In The News

Two of the owners of the company that makes OxyContin acknowledged to a congressional committee on Thursday that the powerful prescription painkiller has played a role in the national opioid crisis but stopped short of apologizing or admitting wrongdoing.

December 11, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Kelly Armstrong commended the Trump Administration’s efforts to prevent and solve cases of missing and murdered Native Americans.

December 4, 2020 Press Release

BISMARCK, N.D. – Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong today praised the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) for finalizing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Eastern North Dakota Alternate Water Supply (ENDAWS) Project.

