NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

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Sea Surface Height

    Operational Products
Sea Surface Height Anomaly Sea Surface Height Anomaly is measured as the difference between the best estimate of the satellite-observed sea surface height and a mean sea surface.

Jason-2 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 3.9 Mb)
Jason-3 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 2.3 Mb)

This is a text product

OSTM/Jason-2 & Jason-3 Resolution:
~300 m along track (20 Hz)
~7 km along track (1 Hz)
Frequency: 10-14 times each day

Significant Wave Height This product estimates the wave height from the shape and intensity of the altimeter radar echo, representing ~2-5 km footprint depending on sea state, to within 10% or 0.5 meters, whichever is greater.

Jason-2 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 3.9 Mb)
Jason-3 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 2.3 Mb)

Sample Significant Wave Height

OSTM/Jason-2 & Jason-3 Resolution:
~300 m along track (20 Hz)
~7 km along track (1 Hz)
Frequency: 10-14 times each day

Additional Links

SALP Products Specification – Volume 10: Jason-2 User Products (PDF 441K)
SALP Products Specification – Volume 10: Jason-3 User Products (PDF 448K)
OSTM/Jason-2 Products Handbook (PDF 3.9 Mb)
OSTM/Jason-3 Products Handbook (PDF 2.3 Mb)
Comet Module:  Jason-2: Using Satellite Altimetry to Monitor the Ocean

Other Jason-2/Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM) web sites: