NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Please Note:  

To view imagery from the operational GOES East (GOES-16) and GOES West (GOES-17) satellites, users may visit

Product Listing

Aerosol Operational Products
Biomass Burning Emissions Product (BBEP)
Blended BBEP and GBBEPx

GOES Aerosol Smoke Product (GASP)
GASP-West AOD and ASDTA Smoke-West AOD
GOES Biomass Burning Emissions Product (GBBEP) West

Sample GASP Image Detailed Product Information

Archived Satellite Imagery Local Archive
21 Day GOES Archive - GOES West

Additional Archives
Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS)
University of Wisconsin (SSEC)

Historical Imagery
Operational Significant Event Imagery (OSEI)

Special Tropical Cyclone Pages
        Katrina '05  |  Rita '05  |  Wilma '05  |  Sandy '12  |  Haiyan '13 |  Harvey '17  | 
        Irma '17  |  Maria '17

CLASS logo
Detailed Product Information

Blended TPW Operational Products

Product Animation
TPW:   Global  |  US  |  Atlantic  |  East Pacific  |  West Pacific
North Pacific  |  Australia  |  Indian Ocean  |  South Pacific  |  East Asia
Super National  |  South Indian Ocean  |  Europe
Product Monitoring
Global Products
AWIPS:   Puerto Rico  |  Alaska  |  Hawaii  |  Super National
GPS Data:   GPS Plot  |  GPS NCEP

Sample blended TPW graphic Operational Product Page

Clouds Operational Products
Cloud Liquid Water MSPPS
Sounder Cloud Top Pressure (GOES)
Total Precipitable Water SSM/I

Developmental Products
Fog Depth
Fog/Low Cloud Imagery
Low Cloud Base Regional Imagery

Sample Cloud Type Product Detailed Product Information

Composite Imagery Polar Satellite Imagery (POES)
Equatorial Mercator Composites
Hemisphere Composites
Microwave - AMSU and SSMI Composite Sectors

Sample GOES Watervapor composite
Detailed Product Information

Coral Bleaching Operational Products
Bleaching Alert Area
Coral Bleaching Virtual Stations
Degree Heating Week Charts
SST Anomaly Charts

Sample Coral Bleaching HotspotsDetailed Product Information

Fire and Smoke Operational Products
Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (ABBA) - from CIMSS
Fire Id, Mapping and Monitoring Algorithm (FIMMA)
VIIRS Active Fires Algorithm (VIIRS AF)
Fire Product Archive
GOES Aerosol Smoke Products (GASP):
GASP-West AOD and ASDTA Smoke-West AOD

GOES Biomass Burning Emissions Product (GBBEP): Blended BBEP  |  GBBEPx
Hazard Mapping System (HMS) Fire and Smoke Analysis

Developmental Products
Fire Risk
Smoke Text Product
Web Based GIS Fire Analysis (Download files)

Satellite Imagery
Fire/Smoke/Hot Spot Imagery
Fire/Hot Spot:  Floaters
Fire/Hot Spot Sectors:  Northern California  |  Southern California
GOES-West Sectors:  Regional  |  WFO Sectors

NPS Photo Forest Fire
NPS Photo
Detailed Product Information

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Spatial Data Products
for Geographical Information Systems:  

All imagery available from an anonymous FTP server
        (userid: your email address  |  password: anonymous)

GOES Data:   GOES East  |  GOES West
        Winds Data and Metadata  |  SST Data and Metadata

Polar Data:   AVHRR  |  TRMM  |  SSMI  |  AMSU

Surface Data

GIS Data Available Through Interactive Internet Mapping
GIS Fire and Smoke Detection Web Page
National Ocean Service's /nowCOAST/: GIS Mapping Portal to Real-Time Coastal Information

Sample AVHR/3 HRPT/LAC from level 1b
Detailed Product Information

Geostationary Satellite Server (GSS) Full Disk Images:
EUMETSAT Meteosat-7 (INDOEX) - Infrared  |  Visible
EUMETSAT Meteosat-10 (MSG) - Infrared  |  Visible
        West - Infrared  |  Visible
JMA (MTSAT-1) - Infrared  |  Visible

Sector Images:
Severe Storms and Special Events
Synoptic Scale Sectors:
        Northern Hemisphere
        Southern Hemisphere
Tropical Sectors

High Resolution GOES-East Imagery - from NESDIS/STAR
Main Page
Tropical Atlantic Imagery

Sample GOES east full disk IR image
Detailed Product Information

GSS Home Page

Land Sectors High Resolution GOES-East Imagery - from NESDIS/STAR
Main Page
Tropical Atlantic Imagery

GOES West  (Overview)
Western U. S.
Regional Sectors:
Alaska  |  Central Plains  |  Central West Coast  |  Hawaii
Northern Plains  |  Pacific Northwest  |  Southwest

NWS Weather Forecast Office (WFO) Regions (List)
Central Region  |  Southern Region  |  Western Region

HIMAWARI  (Overview)
Pacific Region (Guam and Micronesia)
Northwest Pacific Imagery (Japan, Eastern China)
Southern Pacific Countries/Islands (Fiji, New Zealand, Vanuatu, etc)
West Pacific Imagery (Philippines, Southeast Asia)
Tropical Northwest Pacific Imagery
Tropical Southwest Pacific Imagery
Tropical East Asia Imagery
Tropical West Australia Imagery

Sample IR image of midwest sector
Detailed Product Information

Marine Pollution Operational Products
Marine Pollution Surveillance Reports:
Archives:  2017  |  2018

Sample Marine Pollution Surveillance Report Detailed Product Information

Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) Operational Products
Cloud Liquid Water
Ice Water Path
Land Surface Emissivities
Land Surface Temperature
Liquid Water Path
Moisture Profiles
Rain Rate
Rain Water Path
Snow Cover
Sea Ice Concentration
Surface Type Classification
Snow Water Equivalent
Temperature Profiles
Total Precipitable Water

Operational Products by Satellite:
POES Products
MetOp Products
SSMIS Products

Sample MIRS Skin Temperature graphic Detailed Product Information

Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) Operational Products
Cloud Liquid Water
Ice Water Path
Land Surface Emissivities
Land Surface Temperature
Rain Rate
Snow Cover
Snow Fall Rate
Sea Ice
Snow Water Equivalent
Total Precipitable Water

Operational Products by Satellite:
NOAA 15 Products
NOAA 18 Products
MetOp-A Products
NOAA 19 Products
MetOp-B Products

Sample MSPPS Rain Rate graphic Detailed Product Information

National Ice Center (NIC) Operational Products
Products on Demand
Daily Ice Edge GRIB Files
NAIS Outlooks & Forecasts
Ross Sea Seasonal Outlook
15-Day WISIF Graphs
Iceberg Table (pdf)
IMS Ice & Snow

Ice Analysis Products
Daily Products
Weekly Products
Great Lakes Products
Chesapeake Bay / Delaware Bay / Potomac River

Polar Ice Extent Graphs
Arctic Daily
Arctic Weekly
Antarctic Daily
Antarctic Weekly

KML Files
Recent KML Files- Arctic
Recent KML Files- Antarctic
KML Archive
Radarsat Wind KML Files
ACNFS Drift KMZ Files

Polar Ice Coverage graphic
Site Link

Ocean Color Okeanos Operational Products
Okeanos Ocean Color Products:

VIIRS Ocean Color Products

Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance
Water Attenuation Coefficient

Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance

MODIS / Aqua Chesapeake Bay
Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance

Chlorophyll Fronts
Magnitude  |  Direction

MODIS / Terra NASA L2gen NIR (Backup)
Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance

MODIS / Aqua Ehux Bloom (Retired)
8-Day Composite   |   Composite Calcite Concentration

Other Operational Products
Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletins (National Ocean Service and NESDIS)

Sample Ocean Color Image Detailed Product Information

Satellite derived
Ocean Heat Content
Operational Products
Satellite derived Ocean Heat Content:   North Atlantic  |  North Pacific  |  South Pacific

Sample Ocean Heat Content Image Detailed Product Information

Ocean Sectors Geostationary Satellite Imagery (GOES)
Atlantic Ocean Sectors (Includes SST and Tropical Floaters)
Caribbean Sea  |  Central Atlantic  |  East Atlantic  |  Gulf of Mexico
North Atlantic  |  Northeast Atlantic  |  Northwest Atlantic
Tropical Wide View  |  West Atlantic

Pacific Ocean Sectors (Includes SST and Tropical Floaters)
Central Pacific  |  Eastern East Pacific  |  East Pacific  |  Hawaii
Tropical Wide View  |  West Central Pacific  |  West Pacific

Polar Stereographic Sectors
Atlantic: Northwest Atlantic  |  North Atlantic  |  Northeast Atlantic
Pacific: Northeast Pacific  |  Northwest Pacific

Polar Satellite Imagery (POES)
AMSU and SSMI Sectors
This polar imagery is linked from the ocean sector pages (above) that are 4KM resolution or greater.

map of polar stereographic north atlantic Detailed Product Information

Ozone & Atmospheric Chemistry Operational Products
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment 2 (GOME-2) Total Ozone
Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Version 2 (SBUV/2)
Includes 1B and Product Master file, Daily and Orbital
Total Ozone from SNP/CrIS and SNP/OMPS nTOAST)
Total Ozone from NOAA-20/CrIS and NOAA-20/OMPS nTOASTj1)
Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS)

Developmental Products
GOES Total Ozone - from CIMSS

Example of OOPS Orbits and Total Ozone Detailed Product Information

Precipitation Operational Products
Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP)
Microwave Rain Rate: MSPPS  |  SSM/I  |  SSM/IS
Precipitable Water Index
Hydro-Estimator Rainfall
NOAA Unique Megha-Tropiques Data and Products
Satellite Precipitation Estimate Messages (SPENES)
Total Precipitable Water ATOVS  |  MSPPS  |  SSM/I

Sample TRaP Image

Detailed Product Information
Radiation Budget Operational Products
Absorbed Solar Energy - Daily & Monthly
Available Solar Energy - Daily & Monthly
Outgoing Longwave Radiation - Daily & Monthly

Sample Radiation Budget ImageDetailed Product Information

Sea Surface Heights Developmental Products
Sea Surface Height Anomaly
Jason-2 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 3.9 Mb)
Jason-3 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 2.3 Mb)
Significant Wave Height
Jason-2 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 3.9 Mb)
Jason-3 Product Information Handbook Link (PDF 2.3 Mb)

Sample Sea Surface height anomalyDetailed Product Information

Sea Surface Temperatures Operational Products
CoastWatch SST (POES) Overview  |  Geographic Locations  |  Data Archive
SST Anomaly Charts
SST Contour Charts
SST Images
SST Monthly Mean

Developmental Products
CoastWatch SST (GOES)

Sample Sea Surface Temperature Image Detailed Product Information

Sea/Lake Ice Operational Products
Sea Ice Concentration
MIRS  |  MSPPS - (Mapped, Orbital)  |  SSM/I

Sample MSPPS Ice Coverage Image Detailed Product Information

Snow and Ice Operational Products
Snow Cover - MSPPS
Snow Depth - SSM/I (Mapped)
Snow and Ice Cover Analysis (IMS) - Daily NH 4-km  |  Daily SH 4-km
Snow Water Equivalent

Developmental Products
Automated Snow Mapping System

Sample GSIP Snow Cover Product

Detailed Product Information
Soundings Operational Products
ATOVS: Atmospheric Temperature; Vertical Statistics
GOES Sounder Gridded Cloud Products
MIRS: Moisture Profiles; Temperature Profiles
Satellite Cloud Product (SCP)
NUCAPS: Global Gridded ImagesTemperature ProfilesRetrieval Statistics;
      Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Skew-T Profiles: GOES; POES
Sounder DPI

Sounder Lifted Index Sample Product Detailed Product Information

Surface & Hydrology Operational Products
Land Surface Emissivity   (MSPPS)
Soil Moisture   (SMOPS  |   SSM/I)
Surface & Insolation Products   -   GSIP-v3
Surface Temperature (DPI )  (Image  |   Loop)
Surface Temperature   -   MSPPS | SSM/I
Surface Type   -   SSM/I

Sample Surface Type Image

Detailed Product Information
Tropical Systems Operational Products  (SPSD Tropical Home Page)
Advanced Dvorak Technique - Objective Tropical Storm Classifier
Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP)
Multi-Platform Tropical Cyclone Surface Winds Analysis (MTC-SWA)
Tropical Bulletins
Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product
Tropical Storm Position and Intensity

Satellite Imagery
Geostationary Satellite Server - Hurricane Sectors
Pacific Ocean
Tropical Floaters

Tropical SystemsDetailed Product Information


Vegetation Operational Products
Global Vegetation Index (GVI):
Fractional Vegetation Index
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
Precipitable Water Index (PWI)
MetOp Global Vegetation Index (MGVI)
VIIRS Green Vegetation Fraction Product (GVF)
VIIRS Vegetation Health Product (VVHP)
VIIRS Surface Reflectance (SR)

Sample Surface Type Image

Summary Product Information
Volcanic Ash Operational Products
HYSPLIT Trajectories
SO2 Detects from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
Washington, DC VAAC - Main Page  |  Volcanic Ash Advisories  |  Current Year Archive

Satellite Imagery
Real Time GOES Volcano Imagery
Land Imagery

Volcanic Ash Detailed Product Information

Winds Operational Products
High Density Infrared Cloud Drift Winds
High Density Visible Cloud Drift Winds
High Density Water Vapor Cloud Drift Winds
GOES High Density Winds:   30 Days of Images
SAR High Resolution Coastal Winds

Ocean Surface Winds:
Jason-2 Winds (OSTM) Information - Handbook Link (PDF 3.9 Mb)
Jason-3 Winds Handbook Link (PDF 2.3 Mb)
Advanced Scatterometer ASCAT Winds
        (provides a partial mitigation for QuikSCAT which failed November 23, 2009)
Wind Speed (SSM/I)

Sample TRaP ImageDetailed Product Information