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Data & Reports

LRP Data and Reports

The below links provide aggregated data about the applications received and awards funded by the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs). Also available on this page are progress and feature reports about the Programs.

Trends and Evaluations

Extramural LRPs Trends Report

The NIH Extramural LRPs Trends Report is a compilation of data on the Programs from Fiscal Year 2003 through Fiscal Year 2013.

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Intramural Synthesis of Findings From Process and Outcome Analyses

The Office of Loan Repayment and Scholarship (OLRS; DLR's predecessor) contracted with Mathematica Policy Research (MPR) to design and conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the program to determine if the Intramural LRPs are achieving their programmatic goals.

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Extramural LRPs Evaluation Report

DLR conducted a quantitative program evaluation to determine if the Extramural LRPs are meeting their programmatic goals. The sample included new award applicants from Fiscal Years (FY) 2003-2007, and addressed three key questions:

  1. Are the extramural LRPs attracting early-career clinician researchers with high debt?
  2. Do the LRPs positively affect career outcomes for awardees?
  3. How do the LRPs compare to other NIH career development award programs?
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Intramural Career Outcomes of Participants and Non-Participants

This outcome analysis focused on career trajectory and if receiving an Intramural LRP award resulted in an increase in scientifically trained researchers entering and remaining in research careers at NIH or other institutions. This report presents preliminary findings as well as background information on this study.

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The NIH RePORT (Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools) website provides access to a variety of reporting tools, reports, data, and analyses of overall NIH research activities. The RePORT home page provides quick links to frequently requested information, including links to NIH strategic plans, reports on NIH funding, and reports on the organizations and people involved in NIH research and research training.

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