FFIEC Federal Disclosure Computational Tools

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

The online Annual Percentage Rate program is a tool for verifying annual percentage rates and reimbursement adjustments. This program includes relevant finance charge and APR tolerances for verifying the accuracy of annual percentage rates and finance charges on loans secured by real estate or a dwelling. The online APR program also is a tool for verifying Military Annual Percentage Rates (MAPR) for loans subject to the Military Lending Act. 

APR Tool

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

The online Annual Percentage Yield program is a tool for verifying annual percentage yields pursuant to the Truth in Savings Act and its implementing regulation.

APY Tool

Additional Information

Both programs do not retain any entered information. Although great care has been taken in the preparation of these programs, the FFIEC makes no warranty of complete accuracy. Further, the FFIEC does not recommend this program over other methods to calculate annual percentage rate or yields.