Complete Trip - ITS4US Deployment Program News and Events

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About Complete Trip - ITS4US Deployment Program

The lack of transportation options for all travelers, including travelers from underserved communities is a persistent challenge for access to jobs, education, healthcare, and other activities. The Complete Trip - ITS4US Deployment Program aims to solve mobility challenges of all travelers, regardless of location, income, or disability, in accessing jobs, education, healthcare, and other activities.icons represent populations: people with disabilities, older adults, individuals of low income, rural residents, veterans, people with limited English proficiency

As a response to these challenges, the USDOT is increasing its investments in innovations that enhance access and mobility for all travelers. USDOT is launching a new department-wide initiative to expand access to transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. The Complete Trip portfolio will identify ways to provide more efficient, affordable, and accessible transportation services for people with disabilities, older adults and other underserved communities that often face greater challenges in accessing essential services.

As part of the Complete Trip Portfolio,  the Complete Trip - ITS4US Deployment Program is a multimodal effort let by ITSJPO with support from OST, FTA, and FHWA. This program will make up to $40 million available to enable communities to showcase innovative business partnerships, technologies, and practices that promote independent mobility for all.

Three phases of the ITS4US Deployment Program

The program expects to procure and award multiple large scale, replicable, real world deployments of integrated innovative technologies to address the challenges of planning and executing complete trips.


Complete Trip Concept

The success of a complete trip can be defined in terms of an individual’s ability to go from origin to destination without gaps in the travel chain.

A complete trip may include multiple links or trip segments such as: trip planning, outdoor navigation, intersection crossing, boarding/using vehicles, transferring between vehicles/modes/payment services, using stops/stations, indoor/outdoor transitions, indoor navigation and completing travel to destination. If one segment of the trip is inaccessible, unreliable or inefficient, then access to subsequent segments is broken, and the trip cannot be completed.

This graphic shows icons representing the multiple links or trip segments of the complete trip

Please explore this site for a more detailed description of the program and progress. We will continue to upload relevant program information for public consumption as it becomes available. For inquiries regarding the program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.

Research Contacts

contacts Elina Zlotchenko
Program Manager
ITS Joint Program Office
(202) 366-1697