Frequently Asked Questions

Open Government
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Privacy Act (PA)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)  


Directives Management  

  1. Who is my bureau’s Committee Liaison Officer (CLO)?
  2. Where do I submit a charter request for approval?
    • (Answer) The Office of Privacy and Open Government in Room 52010
  3. Who is the Committee Management Officer for the Department of Commerce?
    • (Answer) Jacqueline Harris; email:; telephone: 202-482-4011
  4. What kinds of advisory committees are there?
    • (Answer) There are two kinds of advisory committees; discretionary and non-discretionary.
  5. How long is a committee in effect?
    • (Answer) A committee automatically terminates two years after the date of establishment, unless earlier terminated or renewed by proper authority, or unless a longer duration is specifically provided for by statute.
  6. What is included in a charter package?
    • (Answer) The charter, membership balance plan and justification.  For discretionary committees, include a decision memorandum from the head of the bureau or operating unit to the Secretary seeking approval to establish the committee.
  7. How often do I update the FACA database?
    • (Answer) The FACA database must be kept up-to-date throughout the year.  Every time there is a committee activity (e.g. meeting, report, member action, etc.) this would be a good time to update the database.  This also makes it easier when it’s time to complete the Annual Comprehensive Review (ACR).

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What are the different types of Federal advisory committees?

TYPES OF AUTHORITY: There are four kinds of authority used to establish a committee.
  • Statutory (Congress Created) is nondiscretionary establishment authority specifically mandated in law.
  • Authorized by Law and
  • Agency Authority are both discretionary establishment authorities, either pursuant to law, or by the decision of the agency head, respectively.
  • Presidential means established by Executive order or other direction by the President, and is nondiscretionary. Negotiated rulemaking ("Reg-Neg") committees and labor-management partnership committees (EO 12871) are considered Presidential. The authority is displayed based on decisions made when a committee was established.
TYPES OF FUNCTIONS: There are seven functional types assigned to committees.
  • National Policy Issue Advisory Board, which are assigned to committees devoted to advising agencies on the implementation of National Policy Issues.
  • Non Scientific Program Advisory Board, which are assigned to committees devoted to advising agencies on the implementation of Non Scientific Programs.
  • Scientific Technical Program Advisory Board, which are assigned to committees devoted to advising agencies on the implementation of Scientific Technical Programs.
  • Grant Review Committee, which are assigned to committees concerned with making recommendations for grants and awards.
  • Regulatory Negotiations Committee, which are assigned to committees concerned with making Regulatory Negotiations.
  • Other Committee, which are committees which either cross categories or do not fit the categories listed above, or a
  • Special Emphasis Panel. A Special Emphasis Panel generally has a purpose similar to a Grant Review Committee and is not just an advisory committee dealing with a single topic of great concern. This term has limited usage and most Special Emphasis Panels are located in NIH.


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Who do I contact to learn more about a given Federal advisory committee?

The agency Committee Management Officer is the proper place to start when seeking information about a federal advisory committee. Select an agency.

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Questions and Comments

Send Questions or Comments on the Commerce Office of Privacy and Open Government programs to

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce


Page last updated:June 9, 2017