Job Corps

Due to COVID-19, Job Corps centers have temporarily suspended on-center operations to protect the health of students. Distance learning programs at each center are now in progress, and students are encouraged to participate. Job Corps centers continue to provide support to their students during this period. If you are experiencing difficulties while living off-center, please contact your center. To apply for Job Corps, visit

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    JOB CORPS    

Job Corps is the largest Free residential education
and job training program for young adults ages 16–24.

We connect you with the skills and education
you need to get the career you want!

Increase Your Earning Potential


Minimum Wage


Job Corps
Earning Potential

Minimum Wage $

Job Corps $

* Estimated national average earning potential for Maintenance Repair Helper, Stationary Engineering.

Meet the Students
Josiah | Automotive and Machine Repair Student

There are
123 Job Corps Centers
across the nation.

Find a Job Corps center