A smart approach to management.

Our continuous achievements are the strongest measure of our success.

We take a strategic planning approach to managing our agency. Strategic planning is driven by our mission and vision statements, which are supported by six broad correctional goals, each of which, in turn, is supported by specific objectives. The BOP's Executive Staff holds regular planning sessions to ensure that the agency's strategic goals continue to address the major issues and challenges that face the agency both today and into the future.

National Strategic
Planning Goals

Population Management

The BOP will proactively manage its offender population to ensure safe and secure operations, and work toward ultimately achieving an overall crowding level in the range of 15 percent.

Human Resource Management

The BOP will have a competent, diverse workforce operating within a professional work environment prepared to meet the current and future needs of the organization.

Security and Facility Management

The BOP will maintain its facilities in operationally sound conditions and in compliance with security, safety, and environmental requirements.

Correctional Leadership and
Effective Public Administration

The BOP will manage its operations and resources in a competent and effective manner that encourages creativity and innovation in the development of exemplary programs, as well as excellence in maintaining the basics of correctional management. The BOP continually strives toward improvements in its effective use of resources and its efficient delivery of services.

Public Safety, National Security, and Inmate Programming

The BOP will provide for public safety and national security by focusing on the prevention, disruption, and response to terrorist activities via secure institutions and proactive management practices which mitigate terrorist threats. The Federal Bureau of Prisons provides services and programs to address inmate needs, providing productive use-of-time activities, and facilitating the successful reentry of inmates into society, consistent with community expectations and standards. This commitment excellence includes adherence to national security considerations related to secure institutions and inmate management to protect the public and defend the United States against terrorist threats.

Building Partnerships

The BOP will continue to seek opportunities for expanding the involvement of community, and local, state, and Federal agencies, in improving the effectiveness of the services it provides to offenders and constituent agencies. The active participation by BOP staff to improve partnerships will allow the BOP to carry out its mission within the criminal justice system and to remain responsive to other agencies and the public. The BOP will develop partnerships to focus the shared responsibility for the establishment of a supportive environment promoting the reintegration of offenders into the community.