Discover datasets for marine transportation, a critical part of our transportation system used for domestic and international trade, national security, research, and recreation. Explore data related to mapping and charting, energy use, commodity movement, international trade and finance, environmental sustainability, and more.

Of Sturgeon and Ships

The U.S. Coast Guard maintains an archive of historical vessel position movements, collected through the Nationwide Automatic Identification System (NAIS). Originally designed to improve maritime safety and security, these historical vessel position records have proven to be a valuable resource for a variety … Continued

Safety at Sea – U.S. Coast Guard Marine Casualty and Pollution Data for Researchers

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is responsible for investigating reportable marine casualties, accidents, and serious marine incidents.  The relevant mission statement and specific regulations can be found on the USCG Investigations Division homepage .  After an incident has been reported, it is entered into a national database of … Continued

Northeast Ocean Data Portal – Providing a Common Picture of New England’s Ocean Uses

The North Atlantic ocean is a busy place, full of sea life, ships, and – fortunately – a slew of data.  Anyone interested in local, state, or regional marine planning efforts in New England can visit the Northeast Ocean Data portal (, which provides ocean-related … Continued

Visualizing ocean traffic on Marine Cadastre

When viewed from the shore the ocean may seem like a boundless resource with plenty of space, but the reality is quite different.  Coastal areas are home to shipping lanes used by commercial vessels, attractive fish habitat that supports commercial and recreational fisheries,  … Continued