
Grant Administration for Recipients

Administration is completed by contract through the Local Development Districts

Assessing Distress in NBRC Counties

By statute, the Commission is required to annually assess the level of economic and demographic distress among the counties in its service area. Assessing distress is important as the resulting designations reflect whether or not the Commission can provide grants within a county as well as what level of match is required of Commission funded projects.

Interactive Map (NEW!)

Interactive Map (Previous Version)

The NBRC has created an online mapping resource to assist applicants to identify their Congressional Members, Distressed Counties, and contact information for Local Development Districts. Once there, click "Details" in the upper left hand corner for easy-to-use instructions on manipulating the map.  

Local Development Districts

The NBRC Federal-State partnership is aided by a group of regional organizations called Local Development Districts (LDD's) that provide technical assistance to applicants, assist the NBRC in its outreach activities, and generally administer NBRC investments for grantees. 

Five Year Strategic Plan, 2017-2021

Every five years, the NBRC creates a new strategic plan for its region and operations. The Plan acts as a roadmap for NBRC's investments as well as identifying opportunities for job and wealth creation.

Opportunity Zones 

The NBRC is a member of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. The above link details information about Opportunity Zones and related initiatives.

State Economic Development Strategies

NBRC Member States will typically utilize State economic developmnent plans as they prioritize NBRC funding applications. State plans that are used include:

Regional Allies
  • Northern Forest Center: The Center is a regional, four-state non-profit that works to create economic opportunity and community vitality from healthy working forests in the NBRC region. 
  • Northeastern States Research Cooperative: The NSRC is a competitive grant program funded by the USDA Forest Service and supporting cross-disciplinary, collaborative research in the Northern Forest

Federal & State Resources

America's Other Federal-State Partnership Commissions


Northern Border Regional Commission Shutdown Plan

The following plan is provided to detail the plan for the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) in the event of a lapse of government appropriations.

The NBRC is a “no-year” funded agency and, as such, we have funds available (sufficient for approximately three months’ worth of normal monthly budgeted expenses) to continue operations in the event of a shutdown.

If the shutdown extends beyond that timeline, the Federal Co-Chair will continue to report for work as they are a Presidentially Appointed, Senate Confirmed position and therefore exempt. The other staff of the NBRC will be furloughed until appropriations and operations are resumed.