Visiting ARC

City Information

City of Parkersburg
Parkersburg Visitors Bureau


Wood County

Driving Directions

From Charleston (PDF, 62K)
From Columbus (PDF, 226K)
From Washington, DC (PDF, 47K)
From Wood County Airport
(PDF, 160K)

Current Weather

Parkersburg, WV


Parkersburg, WV

Map and Directions

parkersburg map

Parkersburg Hotels & Motels

The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) requires civilian agency government travelers subject to the FTR to book lodging reservations using the E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) and to give first consideration to using FedRooms properties.

Travelers should also consult any agency specific policies about how to make lodging (and transportation) reservations. Your agency ETS system has the most current list of participating FedRooms properties, rates, availability, amenities, or non-FedRooms rates.

Hotel website links on this site are provided for non-government personnel visiting ARC that do not use an ETS system. These personnel should also consult their corporate travel policy for making reservations.

If you are a current or potential ARC customer that may be exempt from the FTR or have legislation allowing you to follow other authorities such as the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM), or the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), you should follow those regulations along with any applicable agency policies.

Mineral Wells Hotels & Motels