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Last Updated: 09/23/20

Consultation on Development of Experimental Cancer Drugs

A focused consultation service provided by staff from the DCTD Developmental Therapeutics Program and Cancer Imaging Program

DTP and CIP staff have extensive experience in preclinical development of small molecule, biological or imaging drugs for cancer. Investigators from academia or small biotech companies can request this consultation service, which may help them to develop:

  • A carefully designed drug discovery strategy for hit-to-lead
  • A tailored approach to nonclinical safety studies guided by sound scientific principles
  • An acceptable plan for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) production and other aspects for the clinical grade drug substance and drug product
  • An Investigational New Drug (IND) filing plan with data-supported rationale
  • A better strategy for communication with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • A more refined application to NExT - the primary route for extramural scientists to access NCI's preclinical and clinical development resources

Request Consultation

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Type of Drug (select one; submit a separate inquiry for each drug):

Consultation Topic (select all that apply):