Visits By Foreign Leaders of Haiti

Visitor From Description Date
President Borno Haiti In U.S. June 11-30, visiting New York City and Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). June 14-​18, 1926
President Vincent Haiti Discussed political and economic relations. Arrived in U.S. March 26 for unofficial visit to New York City. April 16-​18, 1934
President Vincent Haiti Unofficial visit to Washington, D.C. and New York City. December 5-​13, 1939
President-elect Lescot Haiti Discussed economic assistance and Inter-American defense. April 22-​May 1, 1941
President Lescot Haiti Signed agreements regarding economic and military assistance. In U.S. March 21-April 9; visited New York City. March 23-​24, 1942
President Lescot Haiti At invitation of the President. Discussed economic cooperation. Afterwards visited Baltimore (Maryland), New York City, and Miami (Florida). Departed U.S. October 27. October 14-​18, 1943
President Magloire Haiti Official visit. Addressed U.S. Congress January 27. Afterwards visited West Point (New York) and New York City. After February 3 unofficially visited Nashville (Tennessee), Chicago and Boston (Massachusetts). Departed U.S. February 9. January 26-​29, 1955
President Henri Namphy Haiti Private Visit. Met with President Reagan November 21. November 20-​22, 1986
Provisional President Ertha Pascal Trouillot Haiti Private visit. May 24, 1990
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Haiti Met with President Clinton during a private visit. March 16, 1993
Prime Minister Robert Malval Haiti Met with President Clinton during a private visit. December 1-​7, 1993
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Haiti Met with President Clinton during a private visit. September 16, 1994
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Haiti Attended the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida. December 9-​11, 1994
President Rene Preval Haiti Official working visit. March 19-​22, 1996
President Rene Preval Haiti Met with President Clinton during a private visit; attended Congressional Prayer Breakfast. February 3-​4, 2000
President Rene Preval Haiti Working visit. May 6-​11, 2007
President Rene Preval Haiti Working visit. March 9-​10, 2010