MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields

Data Access

GLCF editions of MODIS products differ from DAAC editions by coming in GeoTIFF format, geographic coordinates, WGS84 datum, and a tiling system designed to fit well with Landsat imagery.

** Please Note: Previous versions of the VCF product i.e. VCF collection 3 and collectoin 4 version 3 have been deprecated and are no longer available from our site.


The Vegetation Continuous Fields collection contains proportional estimates for vegetative cover types: woody vegetation, herbaceous vegetation, and bare ground. The product is derived from all seven bands of the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's Terra satellite. The continuous classification scheme of the VCF product may depict areas of heterogeneous land cover better than traditional discrete classification schemes. While traditional classification schemes indicate where land cover types are concentrated, this VCF product is great for showing how much of a land cover such as "forest" or "grassland" exists anywhere on a land surface.

Code Values
Value Label
0-100 Percent of pixel area covered by land cover type
200 Water
253 Fill (null)
How to Cite This Data Set

Citation Format: Author(s), (Publication Date), Collection Name, Product Name {optional}, Version, Collection Publisher, Publisher Location, Product Coverage Date {optional}.

Citation Parameters Example:

  • Author: DiMiceli, C.M., M.L. Carroll, R.A. Sohlberg, C. Huang, M.C. Hansen, and J.R.G. Townshend
  • Publication Date: (2011)
  • Collection Name: Vegetation Continuous Fields MOD44B
  • Product Name: 20011 Percent Tree Cover
  • Version: Collection 5
  • Publisher: University of Maryland
  • Publisher Location: College Park, Maryland
  • Product Coverage Date: 2010

Full Example Citation: DiMiceli, C.M., M.L. Carroll, R.A. Sohlberg, C. Huang, M.C. Hansen, and J.R.G. Townshend (2011), Annual Global Automated MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields (MOD44B) at 250 m Spatial Resolution for Data Years Beginning Day 65, 2000 - 2010, Collection 5 Percent Tree Cover, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.

Intellectual Property Rights

University of Maryland, Department of Geography and NASA; use is free to all if acknowledgement is made. UMD and NASA hold ultimate copyright.


Source for this dataset is the Global Land Cover Facility,

Copyright © 1997-2016 University of Maryland. All rights reserved
University of Maryland National Aeronautics and Space Administration GOFC_GOLD