MOD44B v006

MODIS/Terra Vegetation Continuous Fields Yearly L3 Global 250 m SIN Grid

PI: Charlene DiMiceli


The MOD44B Version 6 Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) yearly product is a global representation of surface vegetation cover as gradations of three ground cover components: percent tree cover, percent non-tree cover, and percent non-vegetated (bare). VCF products provide a continuous, quantitative portrayal of land surface cover at 250 meter (m) pixel resolution, with a sub-pixel depiction of percent cover in reference to the three ground cover components. The sub-pixel mixture of ground cover estimates represents a revolutionary approach to the characterization of vegetative land cover that can be used to enhance inputs to environmental modeling and monitoring applications.

The MOD44B data product layers include percent tree cover, percent non-tree cover, percent non-vegetated, cloud cover, and quality indicators. The start date of the annual period for this product begins with day of year (DOY) 65 (March 5).

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Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions

The MOD44B Version 6 VCF was produced with the same code and training as the Version 5 products, but improvements to the upstream inputs result in more accurate VCF products.

Collection and Granule


Characteristic Description
CollectionTerra MODIS
File Size25 MB
Temporal ResolutionYearly
Temporal Extent2000-03-05 to 2020-03-05
Spatial ExtentGlobal
Coordinate SystemSinusoidal
File FormatHDF-EOS
Geographic Dimensions1200 km x 1200 km


Characteristic Description
Number of Science Dataset (SDS) Layers7
Columns/Rows4800 x 4800
Pixel Size250 m


SDS Name Description Units Data Type Fill Value No Data Value Valid Range Scale Factor
Percent_Tree_Cover Percent of pixel that is tree covered Percent 8-bit unsigned integer 200=water;253=fill N/A 0 to 100 N/A
Percent_NonTree_Vegetation Percent of pixel that is nontree vegetation Percent 8-bit unsigned integer 200=water;253=fill N/A 0 to 100 N/A
Percent_NonVegetated Percent of pixel non vegetated Percent 8-bit unsigned integer 200=water;253=fill N/A 0 to 100 N/A
Quality Quality Control indicators Bit Field 8-bit unsigned integer N/A N/A See Quality Table N/A
Percent_Tree_Cover_SD Standard deviation of percent tree covered Percent 16-bit unsigned integer -100 N/A 0 to 10000 0.01
Percent_NonVegetated_SD Standard deviation of percent not vegetated Percent 16-bit unsigned integer -100 N/A 0 to 10000 0.01
Cloud Pixel cloud cover indicators Bit Field 8-bit unsigned integer N/A N/A See Cloud Table N/A

Quality Bit Field Values

Bit Input Layers State
0 DOY 065 to 097 0 Clear; 1 Bad
1 DOY 113 to 145 0 Clear; 1 Bad
2 DOY 161 to 193 0 Clear; 1 Bad
3 DOY 209 to 241 0 Clear; 1 Bad
4 DOY 257 to 289 0 Clear; 1 Bad
5 DOY 305 to 337 0 Clear; 1 Bad
6 DOY 353 to 017 0 Clear; 1 Bad
7 DOY 033 to 045 0 Clear; 1 Bad

Cloud Bit Field Values

Bit Input Layers State
0 DOY 065 to 097 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
1 DOY 113 to 145 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
2 DOY 161 to 193 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
3 DOY 209 to 241 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
4 DOY 257 to 289 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
5 DOY 305 to 337 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
6 DOY 353 to 017 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy
7 DOY 033 to 045 0 Clear; 1 Cloudy

Product Quality

The Quality and Cloud layers are stored in an efficient bit-encoded manner. The unpack_sds_bits executable from the LDOPE Tools is available to the user community to help parse and interpret these layers.

Known Issues

For complete information about the MOD44B known issues please refer to the MODIS Land Quality Assessment website.


Using the Data

Access Data


DOI: 10.5067/MODIS/MOD44B.006

About the Image

Terra MODIS percent tree cover (PTC) data from the MOD44B product over the Great lakes, United States, 2016.

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