Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process (PROSPR)


Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process (PROSPR) is a network that is conducting research to better understand how to improve the cancer screening process (recruitment, screening, diagnosis, referral for treatment) in community healthcare settings.

For the second PROSPR funding cycle, which started in April 2018, the National Cancer Institute funded one Coordinating Center and 3 Research Centers (one each focused on cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer). Each Research Center includes a minimum of 3 heterogeneous healthcare systems with diverse patient populations.

The overall goal for PROSPR is to enhance understanding of the implementation and effects of screening as practiced in multiple healthcare environments in the United States. In addition to conducting multilevel observational research to evaluate factors that affect the quality of the screening process for the selected cancer type, the Research Centers will develop and pilot-test interventions aimed at improving the screening process for that cancer.

The primary focus of the PROSPR Coordinating Center is to lead the development of common conceptualizations and measures of health system-level factors that impact the screening processes, as well as common conceptualizations and measures of screening process quality. These measures will be utilized in trans-PROSPR research projects that compare the screening process across more than one cancer type (i.e., collaborations between more than one PRC).

Collaborating with PROSPR

The NCI is committed to having PROSPR serve as a research resource that can be accessed by the extramural community, to expand the depth and breadth of research that can be conducted.

To inquire about opportunities for collaboration, please contact the PROSPR Coordinating Center at PROSPR@fhcrc.org.

Last Updated: 24 Feb, 2020