U.S. Department of the Interior

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Skyline Mine, Flat Canyon Coal Lease Tract, Mining Plan Modification, Environmental Assessment

Welcome to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) Skyline Mine, Flat Canyon Coal Lease Tract, Mining Plan Modification, Environmental Assessment (EA) webpage. Here you will be able to view and download all documents relating to this EA listed on the Document Library.

Available EA

The OSMRE is responsible for reviewing plans to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations on lands containing leased Federal coal. Pursuant to 30 CFR 746, the OSMRE must prepare and submit to the Secretary of the Interior a decision document recommending approval, disapproval or approving with condition(s) of the proposed mining plan modification.

Canyon Fuel Company operates the Skyline Mine, an underground coal mine, located approximately 27 miles west of Helper, Utah, and approximately 5 miles southwest of Scofield, Utah.

OSMRE has completed an EA, which analyzes the potential environmental effects that may result from approval of the mining plan modification for Federal Lease UTU-77114. OSMRE analyzed the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternatives. The Proposed Action would extend the mine life by 9 to 12 years (2027 to 2030), depending on the rate of production, which is estimated between 3 and 4.5 million tons per year, in order to mine a probable maximum of 42 million tons of coal.

OSMRE has also made available the FONSI and the signed Mining Plan Approval Document which will allow Canyon Fuel Company to continue operations. OSMRE determined that the Proposed Action does not constitute a major Federal action having significant effect on the human environment; therefore, an EIS is not required.

Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 5/25/17

Western Region OSMRE, PO Box 25065, Lakewood, CO 80225-0065
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