U.S. Department of the Interior

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Amy McGregor

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Kayenta Mine Complex

Life of Mine Significant Revision

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement and PWCC’s Life of Mine Significant Revision are currently suspended.

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Navajo Generating Station-Kayenta Mine Complex Project is available for viewing and can be found on the Bureau of Reclamation’s NGS informational page at


The Kayenta Mine Chia is available for review at this location:

Life of Mine Significant Permit Revision Application

On May 1, 2012, OSMRE received a Life of Mine (LOM) significant permit revision application from Peabody Western Coal Company (PWCC) for the Kayenta Mine Complex (KMC). This May 1, 2012, permit revision application was updated by PWCC on December 18, 2013, and February 10, 2014, and May 2, 2014. The LOM permit revision application includes the following information:

  1. Expansion of the Kayenta Mine permit boundary to incorporate support facilities located on the former Black Mesa Mine area. The support facilities proposed to be added to the Kayenta Mine permanent program permit area are those located on the Black Mesa Mine that are being used to support mining on the Kayenta Mine. Adding the 841 acres of Black Mesa Mine support facilities (maintenance shops, roads, utilities, impoundments, administration offices, fuel storage sites, warehouse, equipment storage areas, company airport, monitoring stations, etc.) to the Kayenta Mine AZ0001E Permit area will also involve adding the 18,857 acre Black Mesa Mine area to the AZ-0001E permit area, and, if approved, referring to the new permitted area (including the Kayenta active mine pits and all facilities supporting this mining) as the ‘Kayenta Mine Complex’. This significant permit revision application does not include a proposal to mine any of the Black Mesa Mine coal reserves.

  2. An updated mine plan to identify the timing and sequence of continued coal mining operations through December 22, 2044. Mining is proposed to occur in the J-19, J-21, J21 West, J-28, N-9, N-10, and N-11 Extension, coal resource areas.

  3. The application includes environmental baseline information collected for the coal reserve areas for soils, vegetation, geology, and hydrology as well as the most current Navajo aquifer groundwater modeling information and updated probable hydrologic consequences (PHC).

  4. The permanent realignment of Navajo Route 41.

Document Submittals

Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 3/16/18

Western Region OSMRE, PO Box 25065, Lakewood, CO 80225-0065
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