Second International
Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-II)

Workshop Structure:

The workshop will be arranged along thematic lines, exploring the following topics as they relate to marine climate variables:

  1. developing gridded data sets: combining/reconciling observations (includes understanding the observations, homogeneity, quality control and analysis issues)
  2. quantifying data and analysis uncertainties (putting error bars on the data sets; includes bias and bias-correction uncertainties, random and sampling errors)
  3. data base development and access (technical issues such as observation and metadata database construction, adding more data, documentation, data dissemination, etc)
  4. use of marine data in climate research (defining data requirements, assessing what we know about climate variability and change)
All the following variables will be considered:
The workshop will be split between plenary sessions addressing the four main themes (including oral and poster presentations) and four breakout groups considering groups of the variables listed above.

Results from this meeting will be reported to the GCOS/WRCP Atmosphere Observation for Climate (AOPC) and Ocean Observations for Climate (OOPC) panels.

Main goals

The recommendations of the workshop are planned for publication in articles for the WMO Bulletin and CLIVAR Exchanges. Abstracts of oral and poster presentations will be archived on this website.


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Updated: May 24, 2007 17:25:19 MDT