NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Awarded projects

2013 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2013 allocation year (Jan 8, 2013 through Jan 13, 2014). Read More »

2012 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2012 allocation year (Jan 10, 2012 through Jan 7, 2013). Read More »

NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2012 Awards

NISE is a mechanism used for allocating the NERSC reserve (10% of the total allocation). It is a competitive allocation administered by NERSC staff and management. Read More »

Data Intensive Computing Pilot Program 2012 Awards

NERSC's new data-intensive science pilot program is aimed at helping scientists capture, analyze and store the increasing stream of scientific data coming out of experiments, simulations and instruments. Read More »

2011 Allocation Awards

This page lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the 2011 allocation year (Jan 11, 2011 through Jan 9, 2012). Read More »

NERSC Initiative for Scientific Exploration (NISE) 2011 Awards

NISE is a mechanism used for allocating the NERSC reserve (10% of the total allocation). It is a competitive allocation administered by NERSC staff and management. Awarded projects for 2011 as of March are listed. Read More »