NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


  Recent Progress on Lattice QCD with MIMD Parallel Computers

Download File: bernard.pdf | pdf | 5.1 MB

Understanding Tokamak Gyrofluid Turbulence Through Visualization

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Parallelization of Quantum Chemistry Codes

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  Global Ocean Modeling

  Adaptive Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Download File: collela.pdf | pdf | 8.2 MB

Tokamak Plasma Turbulence Simulations

  Electronic Structure of Organic Superconductors

Download File: koelling.txt | txt | 15 KB
Download Image: koelling.fig2.gif | gif | 55 KB

Benchmark Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Partially Solvated Cations

  Molecular Views of Damaged DNA: Adaptation of the Program DUPLEX to Parallel Architectures

Download File: hingerty.txt | txt | 19 KB

  High Performance Computing for Beam Physics Applications

Download File: ryne.pdf | pdf | 5.2 MB

  Parallel Plasma Fluid Turbulence Calculations

  Nuclear Structure from Lattice QCD

Download File: liu.pdf | pdf | 6.9 MB

[Univ. of Kentucky]