NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Please Note:  

To view imagery from the operational GOES East (GOES-16) and GOES West (GOES-17) satellites, users may visit

Product Suites

Blended TPW Operational Products

Product Animation
TPW:   Global  |  US  |  Atlantic  |  East Pacific  |  West Pacific
North Pacific  |  Australia  |  Indian Ocean  |  South Pacific  |  East Asia
Super National  |  South Indian Ocean  |  Europe
Product Monitoring
Global Products
AWIPS:   Puerto Rico  |  Alaska  |  Hawaii  |  Super National
GPS Data:   GPS Plot  |  GPS NCEP

Sample blended TPW graphic Operational Product Page

JPSS-RR Operational Products
Cloud Ascending
Cloud Descending
Ice Antarctic
Ice Arctic

Sample JPSS Snow graphic Operational Product Page

Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) Operational Products
Cloud Liquid Water
Ice Water Path
Land Surface Emissivities
Land Surface Temperature
Liquid Water Path
Moisture Profiles
Rain Rate
Rain Water Path
Snow Cover
Sea Ice Concentration
Surface Type Classification
Snow Water Equivalent
Temperature Profiles
Total Precipitable Water

Operational Products by Satellite:
POES Products
MetOp Products
SSMIS Products

Sample MIRS Skin Temperature graphic Detailed Product Information

Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) Operational Products
Cloud Liquid Water
Ice Water Path
Land Surface Emissivities
Land Surface Temperature
Rain Rate
Snow Cover
Snow Fall Rate
Sea Ice
Snow Water Equivalent
Total Precipitable Water

Operational Products by Satellite:
NOAA 15 Products
NOAA 18 Products
MetOp-A Products
NOAA 19 Products
MetOp-B Products

Sample MSPPS Rain Rate graphic Detailed Product Information

NOAA Operational GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 Products System (NOGAPS) The NOAA Operational GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 Products System (NOGAPS) is developed to process GCOM data and generate NOAA unique operational products for users. It ingests GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 RDRs and generates L1B products with software provided by JAXA and generates L2 products using the GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Algorithm Software Package (GAASP) provided by NESDIS STAR. Both L1 and L2 products are distributed to users through the ESPC NDE system, while L1 products are only made available to restricted users approved by JAXA. The NOAA unique L2 products include: calibrated microwave brightness temperatures, rainfall rate, sea surface temperature, sea surface wind speed, total precipitable water, cloud liquid water, soil moisture, surface type, snow cover, snow depth, snow water equivalent, and sea ice. The GCOM-W1 data and products are expected to be utilized by NOAA users for improving numerical weather prediction, precipitation and tropical cyclone location, intensity analysis, and monitoring.

Product Link

Sample NOGAPS Image
Detailed Product Information

Ocean Color Okeanos Operational Products
Okeanos Ocean Color Products:

VIIRS Ocean Color Products

Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance
Water Attenuation Coefficient

Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance

MODIS / Aqua Chesapeake Bay
Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance

Chlorophyll Fronts
Magnitude  |  Direction

MODIS / Terra NASA L2gen NIR (Backup)
Chlorophyll Concentration   |   Remote Sensing Reflectance

MODIS / Aqua Ehux Bloom (Retired)
8-Day Composite   |   Composite Calcite Concentration

Other Operational Products
Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletins (National Ocean Service and NESDIS)

Sample Ocean Color Image Detailed Product Information

Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product Geostationary satellite data and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) global analyses are used as input to an algorithm developed by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) to estimate the probability of tropical cyclone formation within the next 24 hours in 5 by 5 degree latitude/longitude areas.

Product Link
Sample Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product
GOES, MTSAT-1R Resolution: 5x5 Degrees Frequency: 6 Hours
Soil Moisture Operational Products System (SMOPS)
The Soil Moisture Operational Products System (SMOPS) combines soil moisture retrievals from multi-satellites/sensors to provide a global soil moisture map with more spatial and temporal coverage.

Product Link

SMOPS image

  Mapped Resolution:
0.25 x 0.25 degree grids
Frequency: Every 6 hours
Hydro-Estimator Rainfall The Hydro-Estimator (HE) algorithm uses infrared (IR) brightness temperatures to identify regions of rainfall and retrieve rainfall rate, while using National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) model fields to account for the effects of moisture availability, evaporation, orographic modulation, and thermodynamic profile effects. Recently the HE has been extended to the entire globe equator-ward of 60 degrees to meet user community's need for support of global flash flood guidance efforts. The operational global HE products available include instantaneous rain rates and 1-hour, 3-hour, 6-hour, 24-hour and multi-day precipitation accumulations.

Product Link

Sample Hydro Estimator Product

GOES Resolution: 4 Km Frequency: 15 min.; 1 hr. on AWIPS