American Healthy Homes Survey II

HUD, in cooperation with the EPA, is surveying homes in the U.S. to evaluate the presence of lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards (such as lead-contaminated dust or soil). While we are in the homes we will also collect: a water sample for lead; an air sample for formaldehyde; a floor dust sample for mold; and wipe samples for pesticide residues; and we will check for the presence of lead water pipes feeding the home (service lines).

A detailed description of the project is at the AHHS II Project Description webpage. The project is taking place between May 2018 and May 2019, and is being conducted by QuanTech, a survey research firm based in Rockville, MD, under contract with HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes.

This is a random sample of about 800 homes throughout the U.S, and every home that cooperates is an important addition to the data. The survey results will represent the entire U.S. and will be the first national survey of lead in water, lead service lines, and formaldehyde, and will update previous estimates of lead in paint, dust, and soil, and pesticide levels. We urge every household contacted to cooperate and participate in the survey. Every home is important.

The information from this project will be critical for tracking the national progress in reducing the number of U.S. homes with lead-based paint and other housing health and safety hazards. For more information about the project, please contact Eugene A. Pinzer of HUD at (202) 402-7685 or


Click here for more information on American Healthy Homes Survey II Project Description