Secretary Travels to Malaysia

Name Locale Remarks Date
David Dean Rusk Kuala Lumpur Accompanied President Johnson on a State visit. October 30-​31, 1966
Edmund Sixtus Muskie Kuala Lumpur Met with ASEAN Foreign Ministers. June 27-​29, 1980
George Pratt Shultz Kuala Lumpur Met with Prime Minister Mahathir and senior Malaysian officials. July 9-​10, 1984
George Pratt Shultz Kuala Lumpur Attended ASEAN Post-Ministerial consultation. July 10-​12, 1985
George Pratt Shultz Kuala Lumpur Met with Prime Minister Mahathir. July 9, 1988
James Addison Baker Kuala Lumpur Attended meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers. July 23-​25, 1991
Warren Minor Christopher Kuala Lumpur Discussed the Bosnian conflict with Prime Minister Mahathir; signed commercial and educational exchange agreements. August 3-​4, 1995
Madeleine Korbel Albright Kuala Lumpur Attended ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference and Regional Forum. July 26-​29, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Kuala Lumpur Attended APEC Ministerial Meeting and met with the wife of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. November 14-​15, 1998
Colin Luther Powell Kuala Lumpur Met with Prime Minister Mahathir and Foreign Minister Albar. July 29-​30, 2002
Condoleezza Rice Kuala Lumpur Attended ASEAN Foreign Ministers and Regional Forum Meetings. July 26-​29, 2006
Hillary Rodham Clinton Kuala Lumpur Met with Foreign Minister Aman. November 1-​3, 2010