Conservation Connect

NCTC's Conservation Connect logo.

Conservation Connect is a web-based video series produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center (NCTC). Our goal is to connect a new generation of conservationists, ages 8-16, with the great outdoors, wildlife species, and conservation careers.

These programs are available to schools, youth groups, scouts, home-schoolers, nature centers, and other educational programs throughout the country, free of charge.

We have two versions available for on-demand viewing:

  1. Conservation Connect (6-8 minute episodes) feature field video, new technology and the people who study and protect our wildlife and fisheries. The videos are available below and also at:

  2. Conservation Connect "Live" episodes run from 30-60 minutes and have been recorded with online student audiences or with classes that have visited the NCTC Studio. These episodes allow time for student questions and a "chat room challenge" that tests student understanding of the featured species. Wildlife or Fisheries Biologists were in the studio to discuss their work and answer student questions.

In all episodes, students are encouraged to spend time outdoors, observe wildlife in their local habitat, and learn more about natural resource conservation and careers.

Educators are encouraged to watch the introductory overview of Conservation Connect, which suggests how this video series may supplement existing environmental education curriculum, citizen science projects, and STEM content (science, technology, engineering, and math). The overview highlights the recovery of the American Bald Eagle, one of conservation’s biggest success stories.

Educators: We'd love to hear how you use Conservation Connect videos with your students! Please e-mail or call Randy Robinson with your comments, suggestions or lesson plans that work well with a particular video. Phone: 304-876-7450.

Click here see and play all Conservation Connect videos!

Conservation Connect "LIVE"
episodes were recorded and
are now available!

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National Wildlife Refuge Locator Map
National Fish Hatcheries, Fish Health and Fish Technology
Centers, listed by state.
  National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) and Wetland Management
Districts (WMD), by state
Children in a Classroom Click here to view the Eagle Cam!  

Educator using the NCTC Eaglecam as a teaching resource


NCTC EagleCam


“Once the emotions have been aroused…
a sense of the beautiful, the excitement of the new and the unknown, a feeling of sympathy, pity, admiration or love…
then we wish for knowledge about the object of our emotional response.”

From The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson, 1956