The 1975-2017 SEER Research Data are available in the SEER*Stat through your Internet connection (SEER*Stat's client-server mode). Downloading the data files in ASCII and binary formats is no longer an option, starting with the 1975-2017 SEER Research Data.

Datasets Included in SEER*Stat

How to Access SEER Research Data

A signed SEER Research Data Use Agreement (DUA) is required to access the SEER data.

1. Submit a Request

When you submit a request for access to the data, a personalized SEER Research DUA will be created for you. You may review the language of the DUA in the sample agreement form.

2. Complete and Return the SEER Research DUA

The SEER program will process your request within 2 business days of receiving your signed agreement and you will be given a username and password. This username and password is used to access the data through SEER*Stat.

3. Download and Install SEER*Stat

Download and install the current version of the SEER*Stat Installation program. You must be connected to the Internet while using SEER*Stat. Each time you execute an analysis, the request will be sent from your computer to the SEER*Stat server and the results will be sent back to your computer.

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