Fishery Ecosystem Analysis Tool for the Pacific Islands

July 17, 2020

Interactive reports and visualizations of commercial fisheries data from across the Pacific Islands.

Screen grab of a data visualization from the analysis tool.

The Fishery Ecosystem Analysis Tool provides data visualizations and access to commercial fisheries data from the Pacific Islands.

  • Fishery Performance Indicators: NOAA Fisheries has established a national set of economic performance indicators to monitor the economic health of the nation’s fisheries. The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center uses these indicators to evaluate fishery performance in the Pacific Islands. Metrics include levels of fishing activity (number of active vessels, trips, and fishing days), commercial landings, and economic measures such as revenues and the distribution of revenues among active vessels. This report provides trends in these indicators for three regional commercial fisheries: American Samoa Longline, U.S. Longline, and the Hawaii bottomfish fishery.
  • Cost Data: The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center maintains five economic data collection programs in the Pacific Islands region. These data allow managers to evaluate the economic effects of fishery management decisions. This report provides trends in the costs of fishing for commercial fisheries in the region.
  • Hawaii Fishery Trends: This report highlights trends in commercial fishing activity in the State of Hawaii such as the total number of fishers reporting catch and sales, total pounds caught and sold, fishery revenues, and prices. Users can explore fishing activity at different community scales, county, island, census county division, and select ports of landing.
  • U.S. Pacific Highly Migratory Species Fishing Trends: This report provides an interactive version of the data included in the annual U.S. National Report to the WCPFC. The United States has been a member of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) since 2007, seeking to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of highly migratory fish stocks (tunas, billfish, sharks, and other species). The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center provides fisheries statistics and this annual national report to the WCPFC, which includes estimates of annual catch, number of active vessels, and catch and effort data for fisheries of the United States, American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
  • Human Community Research: The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center conducts human community research on cultural traditions, local knowledge, and socioeconomic values associated with marine resource use and conservation in Pacific Island communities. Managers can use this information to evaluate the social and economic impacts of management options and regulatory decisions.

Last updated by Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center on 07/17/2020