Outreach and Education in the Pacific Islands

The program also designs resources and implements strategies to increase communications and understanding between the agency, our constituents, and the general public.

Biologist talking to students at an outreach event.

Biologist explains sea turtle nesting, habitat, and safe viewing information to students.


NOAA Fisheries is committed to working with school-age children, educators, and community groups and other organizations to provide educational opportunities for our island communities. We are available for presentations, professional development opportunities, community events, and engaging groups in conservation efforts.  

Classroom presentation by NOAA staff.

NOAA Fisheries staff visit classrooms to share about marine science and management.

Our program serves to highlight and explain how we manage our fisheries, protected species, and habitats that influence and support our region. The objective of the program is to seek and create opportunities to inform and educate the public of the region's mission and its impact on the economy and environment in the Pacific. This is accomplished by the following:

  • Holding and/or attending outreach events, producing brochures and fliers, and posting on social media platforms.
  • Educating young people and growing stewards of the environment.
  • Establishing the Pacific Islands region as a resource for the community for networking with community groups, schools, and other organizations.
  • Promoting careers in marine sciences.
  • Developing age-appropriate curriculum with teachers that supports the objectives of the Pacific Islands region.
  • Designing resources and implementing strategies to increase communication and understanding between the agency, our constituents, and the general public.

Educator Opportunities

Are you looking for datasets for your students? Do you want to engage your students in meaningful, place-based activities that focus on problem-solving solutions that address real world issues here in the Central Pacific? We strive to train educators so that they can help reach not only the students they have right now, but also students that they will engage over the course of their career. Please reach out to us at pir.education.outreach@noaa.gov.

Student Opportunities

Educational Materials 

Marine National Monuments and Sanctuaries

Providing students with a grasp of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, the Marine National Monuments in the Pacific, and the deepest part of our ocean, the Mariana Trench, just got easier.

Marvelous Music Report Lesson Plans

Check out the new educator's lesson plans (grades 3-7) to explore and learn more about the variety of marine resources and their values and functions in the Marine National Monuments. Plus, see the award-winning and hilarious short film about why these places are worth protecting for future generations. Short film is in English and Samoan (Chamorro, Carolinian and Hawaiian available upon request).

New Lesson Plans Using Scientific Data Collected in the Monuments

New 7-12 grade lesson plans are available for educators that introduce students to the concept of marine protected areas, expanding students' appreciation and understanding of the value of ocean resources. The lessons use scientific data collected in the Marine National Monuments to help students connect the ecosystem benefits provided by these areas to those they receive from their local environment, and are aligned with the national Ocean Literacy Principles.

Topics include tectonics evolution, island fish, seabirds, guano, ocean currents, marine debris, biodiversity, marine technology, sea turtles, and coral reefs in the Marianas Trench, Pacific Remote Islands, Papahanaumokuakea, and Rose Atoll.

View and download the lesson plans


Last updated by Pacific Islands Regional Office on June 23, 2020
