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Index- Titles Beginning with "O"
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Document Title
Observing of Air Carrier Operations From Air Traffic Control Facilities (PTRS Code 1845) 8900.1,Vol.6,Ch2,Sec16
Obstruction Evaluation (OE) AT JTA 5.8 (AWO)
Obtain Certificate Number for an Air Operator or Air Agency AT JTA 3.3.193 (OP)
Obtain Certificate Number for an Air Operator or Air Agency GA JTA 3.3.193 (OP)
October 2014 OSWG Meeting Agenda OSWG 2014-10 Agn
October 2014 OSWG Meeting Attendance OSWG 2014-10 Att
October 2014 OSWG Meeting Briefings and Documents OSWG 2014-10 Docs
Oil Temperature and Pressure Instrument MEL Policy PL-013
OMA SUD Sky Technologies SpA SKYCAR, Rev. 0 Date -- 05/10/2011 M Skycar R0
On-Line Job Aid for Evaluating a Repair Facility Conducting Composite Repairs - 04-30-2013 Job Aid-Composite Repair
Operation of Wide-Body Jets with Door/Slide Inoperative PL-001
Operational Credit for Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) -- Date 08/18/2020 FSB EFVS OSR Rev 3
Operational Emphasis Item-Uncommanded High Thrust 8900.1,Vol.3,Ch10,Sec2
Operational Emphasis Items 8900.1,Vol.3,Ch10,Sec1
Operations in Accordance with Public Law 112-95, Section 333, and Exemptions 8900.1,Vol.16,Ch4,Sec2
Operations Inspector Qualifications and Currency Overview 8900.1,Vol.1,Ch3,Sec6
Operations Specifications – Background Information 8900.1,Vol.3,Ch18,Sec1
Operations Specifications Working Group Procedures Guide OSWG Pro Guide 2011
OpSpec A010 Nonmandatory Revision and Associated Order 8900.1 Guidance for Section 322 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 Compliance (Date - 10/6/2020) N 8900.563
OpSpec B342, Extended Operations (ETOPS) with Two-Engine Airplanes under Part 121 or 135 (Date - 3/31/2020) N 8900.543
OpSpec C052, Straight-in Non-Precision, APV, and Category I Precision Approach and Landing Minima – All U.S. Airports (Date - 9/9/2020) N 8900.561
OpSpec C080, Terminal Area IFR Operations in Class G Airspace and/or at Airports Without an Operating Control Tower for Scheduled Passenger Operations (Date - 10/12/2020) N 8900.564
OpSpec C091, Operational Requirements Airplane Design Group VI (ICAO Group F) (Date - 6/3/2020) N 8900.550
OpSpec C384 - CFR 129 C384 Job Aid/Instructions Rev:20 (05/12/2017) OpSpecJobAidC384(05-12-17)
OpSpec/MSpec D076, Short-Term Escalation Authorization (Date - 2/27/2020) N 8900.541
OpSpec/MSpec H105, Alternate Airport IFR Weather Minimums (Date - 12/19/2019) N 8900.534
Oral and Flight Test Events in Airplanes for ATP Applicants Engaged in Operations Under Part 121, 135, or 91 Subpart K 8900.1,Vol.5,Ch3,Sec2
Oral and Flight Test Events in Helicopters for ATP Applicants Engaged in Operations under Title 14 CFR Part 121, 135, or 91 Subpart K 8900.1,Vol.5,Ch3,Sec5
Oral and Flight Tests—Flight Engineer Applicants Engaged in Operations Under Title 14 CFR Part 121, 135, or 91 Subpart K 8900.1,Vol.5,Ch4,Sec2
Organization Designation Authorization Procedures 8100.15_B_CHG_3
Organizational Code Crosswalk FFS Org Codes and Phone numbers
OSWG 2010-04 Presentations - Part 129 Rulemaking OSWG Present
OSWG 2012-04 Presentation - EASA third country operators OSWG Present JS
OSWG 2012-04 Presentation - ICAO Register of AOCs OSWG Present AOC DB
OSWG 2012-04 Presentation - ICAO User Manual OASIS system (AOC) OSWG Present User Man
OSWG 2014-01 International Notes--OSWG February 2014 Meeting Notes Feb2014-OSWG Intern Notes
OSWG April 2003 Agenda OSWG 2003-02 Agneda
OSWG April 2003 Notes OSWG 2003-02 Notes
OSWG April 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-02 Agenda
OSWG April 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-02 Notes
OSWG April 2005 Agenda OSWG 2005-02 Agneda
OSWG April 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-02 Notes
OSWG April 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-02 Agenda
OSWG April 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-02 Notes
OSWG April 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-02 Agneda
OSWG April 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-02 Notes
OSWG April 2008 Agenda OSWG 2008-03 Agenda
OSWG April 2008 Notes OSWG 2008-03 Notes
OSWG April 2010 Notes OSWG 2010-02 Notes
OSWG April 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-02 Notes
OSWG August 2011 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2011-03 Agenda
OSWG August 2011 Notes OSWG 2011-03 Notes
OSWG August 2013 Agenda OSWG 2013-03 Agenda
OSWG August 2013 Meeting Notes OSWG 2013-03 Notes
OSWG Domestic, International and Joint Sessions 2010-04 Notes OSWG 2010-04 Notes
OSWG February 2013 Agenda OSWG 2013-01 Agenda
OSWG February 2013 Meeting Notes OSWG 2013-01 Notes
OSWG Internalional Notes OSWG Intern Notes
OSWG International Agenda OSWG Intern Agenda
OSWG January 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-01 Agenda
OSWG January 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-01 Notes
OSWG January 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-01 Notes
OSWG January 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-01 Agenda
OSWG January 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-01 Notes
OSWG January 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-01 Agneda
OSWG January 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-01 Notes
OSWG January 2008 Agenda OSWG 2008-01 Agenda
OSWG January 2008 Notes OSWG 2008-01 Notes
OSWG January 2010 Agenda OSWG 2010-01 Agenda
OSWG January 2010 Notes OSWG 2010-01 Notes
OSWG January 2011 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2011-01 Agenda
OSWG January 2011 Meeting Information OSWG 2011-01 Info
OSWG January 2012 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2012-01 Agenda
OSWG January 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-01 Notes
OSWG July 2003 Agenda OSWG 2003-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2003 Notes OSWG 2003-03 Notes
OSWG July 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-03 Notes
OSWG July 2005 Agenda OSWG 2005-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-03 Notes
OSWG July 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-03 Notes
OSWG July 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-03 Notes
OSWG July 2009 Agenda OSWG 2009-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2010 Notes OSWG 2010-03 Notes
OSWG July 2012 Agenda OSWG 2012-03 Agenda
OSWG July 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-03 Notes
OSWG May 2009 Agenda OSWG 2009-02 Agenda
OSWG May 2009 Notes OSWG 2009-02 Notes
OSWG November 2010 Agenda OSWG 2010-04 Agenda
OSWG November 2010 Meeting Information OSWG 2010-04 Info
OSWG November 2011 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2011-04 Agenda
OSWG November 2011 Meeting Notes OSWG 2011-04 Notes
OSWG October 2003 Agenda OSWG 2003-04 Agenda
OSWG October 2003 Notes OSWG 2003-04 Notes
OSWG October 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-04 Agenda
OSWG October 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-04 Notes
OSWG October 2005 Agenda OSWG 2005-04 Agenda